The plan was to go up north to see my parents on Saturday...spend the night and come home Sunday. Well....part of that plan worked. We didn't end up staying the night though. We got up there around Noon. Hung out for a while. Tried to get Chloe to warm up to my parents....she loved my Dad, but didn't quite know how to take my Mom. She got tired and cranky, so Andy took her for a walk in the stroller, she fell asleep and slept for a whole 40 minutes or so...WHOOO HOO! (NOT) So that held her over for a little while. She ate a snack, and walked around a little (with her push toy) and then we went back to the house and made some lunch (early dinner) around 4:30. My Dad stayed back at the Marina because it got kind of busy. So it was just my Mom and us back at the house eating. Andy cooked some brats, my Mom cooked her famous fried potatoes and we had some baked beans. Chloe ate pretty good, but she was exhausted. She couldn't stop rubbing her eyes between bites. But when Andy sat down to eat he all of a sudden wasn't hungry. Said that he didn't feel good. He left the table. I finished eating, and finished feeding Chloe. He came back and sat down on the couch. My Mom left to go back to the Marina to take my Dad some food. I asked Andy what was wrong, and he just said that he all of a sudden started to feel really anxious and didn't feel right. So I asked if he just wanted to go home. He looked at me, and just said, yea, I think that might be a good idea. He apologized up and down, and he felt really bad, but in the end, that was the best choice for him. So we packed up and left. Went down to the Marina and said our goodbyes, in hopes that it wouldn't be TOO long before we met again. Chloe slept pretty much the whole way home, took her bottle when we got home, and down she went. So....all in all, it was a good day. Really good to see my parents. And Chloe started to warm up to my Mom right before she left after dinner. (she even gave her a kiss) My Mom's heart melted! She leaned over her asking for a puff, and instead she got a kiss! How precious is that?! So that made me happy!! And Grandma too!
So, I apologize for this post being so boring. It was supposed to be all about our great time up north, with lots of great outside "fall" pictures of Chloe and us....but, well...since she was either cranky, sleepy, or eating...we didn't get any pictures. But don't you worry! Cuz this week will be all about pictures! I promise! Trust me, you won't want to miss it!!
1 comment :
I'm sure, even though it was short lived, your parents LOVED it!
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