A. My Birth Mother gave me up because she was 15 years old and felt that partying and hanging out with the boys was more important....as does any 15 year old.
Q. Did you get in touch with your birth mother after talking to your half sister?
A. I did. I talked to her on Myspace a little here and there, and then on Facebook sometimes. I actually talked to her on the phone once. It was about 15 seconds of really awkward silence...after a Hi from me and then her...but that's been it. I told her that I was pregnant, and she seemed happy, but once I started asking her questions, she just stopped responding. And nothing since.
Q.Did your Parents ever explain why they never told you that you were adopted?
A. Yes, They said that it was for my own protection that I didn't find out. I probably would have never found out if it wasn't for my half sister finding me on Myspace. But now I have all the paperwork that was filed by the court and there are documents stating that I was supposed to find out. So they took it upon themselves to not tell me. They didn't want to hurt me.
Q. Is there another baby in the future?
A. It's a possibility. Not near....maybe like 3-5 years. We are content for now, but we both talk about another one every once in a while. We need a bigger house before that decision is made!!
Q. Can I take some family pics of you guys? (this one is from a good friend)
A. Absolutely!! We would love that!! Maybe Christmas?
Q. Do you think you will ever contact your Birth Mother?
A. I don't have any desire to. Unless there was an medical emergency, and I absolutely had to, I don't really want to. She kind of laid it out as far as what kind of relationship she wanted with me. I gave her a chance, and she ran it over with her car and spit rocks at me! That's how I feel about it. No need....
Q. What surprised you most about motherhood?
A. I think probably just how easy it's come for me. I thought that it was going to be really hard, and very emotional and all that. But it really hasn't been anything too crazy. I mean of course it's tough sometimes and emotionally exhausting at times, but the horror stories that I've heard.....NOTHING compared to how I'm experiencing it. I love it!
Q.What's your favorite part about being a Mommy?
A. I would have to say just the love that I feel from her everyday! It's amazing. I didn't know that something so small and doesn't really know anything could love you so much. It's the best thing when I pick her up from day care and she sees me and crawls as fast as she possibly can to me and just hugs me so tight when I pick her up. It's the most special feeling in the world!
Well, Thanks so much for showing so much interest in me!! It means a lot. I hope that I get more questions for next week...the plan is to do this every Friday. If not, I'll just have to come up with something else to blog about...LOL!

Lots of good questions!!!
Friday question for you. How do think your mom and dad, brother and sister feel about all this? I too am in a similar situation. However, when I found my birth parent I felt bad about it. About hurting my daddy, the one that raised me. The one that was there for me my whole life! He was so sad and scared that he would lose me. I knew I just wanted to meet my bio-dad. But it hurt so many people that I love. :( I felt like it was disrespectful to the people who took me in and excepted me as theirs. Never made me feel "adopted.". So I chose to keep it all private. If and when I talk to him, (bio-dad), no one hears about it. It's just between he amd I. So this seems like it works for me. Hope things go smooth for u too! Xoxoxoxo
Well, see Debbie, I don't feel bad, because I will never talk to them. I don't ever feel the need to. I know how my Mom feels about it. She doesn't ever want me to talk about it. But to me, it's something that's happened in MY life, and if it weren't for this happening to me, I wouldn't be where I am today. So to me, it's not a bad thing, and it's not something that I feel should be kept a secret. (it never was a secret anyways...not to everybody else, but me)I think that putting this out there maybe might help someone going through the same thing, and might change their life. That's how I see it. But I know that other people don't see it that way and will probably get mad about me talking about it. But I think that I'm doing this for me. And not anybody else.
Thank you so much for sharing such a personal post! It really helped me to learn about you and know what a strong person you are!
Thank you for reading Amanda! I appreciate it! I hope that I can be of some help to someone out there that is struggling with the same thing...I know how much it hurt me to find out at 21. And I would hate for someone else to go through that same feeling along.
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