So, this morning, when I woke up, Hubby was already up with Chloe and had her eating breakfast with a sippy of Milk on the table for her. We've been slowly trying to get her to drink her morning milk out of a sippy, but she just wasn't having it. Yesterday I tried, and she drank half of it, but after that she just wouldn't take it unless I put it in a baba. So I was quite surprised this morning when she drank the whole sippy!! So then we gave her a sippy of water, and she sipped on that until lunch time. Then I gave her another sippy of Milk with her lunch. And BOOM, she drank the whole thing! I was so surprised!!!
So needless to say, she is now down to 1 bottle a day! Her night time baba. And I am NOT even close to trying to take her off that one. She can have that for awhile longer. I don't look forward to to having to try and get her to bed without it yet. I'll cross that path when the time comes.
So I thought I would just let you all know that My Girl is just getting so big, and today she decided that she was ready to give up her morning baba, and for that, me and the hubs are SO GRATEFUL!!!
And just because she's so cute, here's a picture of her drinking a sippy of milk this morning!

When one decides to have a child you for sure learn how to pick your battles. I learned that a long time ago. You win some & you loose some. I learned to be ok with that! It can make the day go a little easier when you loose some so why not is what i say hehe...
Yay! We are still battling with the bottle. Only in the morning so it could be worse but still...
We're doing the sippy switch too. I know it's a battle for us because she always drinks from it if it's water, but as soon as she realizes it's milk she doesn't want it!
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