They came to Chloe's Baptism. That was on June 19th. But they did NOT make it to Chloe's 1st birthday. That really upset me. They had other things going on. And that's fine. But I just couldn't understand what was more important then seeing their grand daughter and watching her smoosh cake all over the place. Well that day has come and gone, and I've gotten over it. So this weekend we are going to see them. It's been OVER 3 months since we have seen them. So I'm quite excited for them to see how much Chloe has grown. I'm just really hoping that she remembers them. I'm a little worried that she might not and that she won't let my Mom hold her. And I think that will break my Mom's heart. So here's hoping that everything goes good, and Chloe just loves them, and they have time to bond again.
Back when I was blonde and REALLY skinny!! Oh I love looking at these pictures! This was from my Mom's surprise 60th Birthday party!! Doesn't she look like a rockstar?! I miss her so much! And my Dad, well...there isn't anything to say about him other then the fact that he's an amazing guy all around! I've always been a Daddy's girl. Since the day they adopted me. And I always will be till the end of time. And I know that Chloe gets that from me. She loves her Daddy to the end!
So I'm super excited to go see them this weekend, and I can't wait see their faces when they see how big Chloe is! They will be so proud!!

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