Just in the past few weeks! It seems crazy, but seriously, she's like become a toddler before our eyes in just the past 2 weeks. From REALLY making a solid effort to walk, to talking, to drinking milk out of a sippy...it's just been a whirlwind of learning and firsts for us.
I was giving her a bath the other night, and Andy came in and sat on the floor and played with us a little bit. He never does that. Usually he's like watching TV, doing work stuff, and heck...sometimes not even home. So that was a shocker. But he sat down, and looked at me and said "she's really grown up in the past couple of weeks." Funny thing is, I was thinking the exact same thing at that exact moment!! It's just been crazy.
Her vocabulary has really started taking off. She's can now say Hi, Dada, Mamma, Kitty, Baba and Up. AND she can sometimes sign "please"!!
She can walk pretty good...and she can stand up on her own without grabbing onto something. She doesn't do it very often, but she's fully capable. She's not a full time walker either, but she CAN DO IT! So that's good!! That's what we've been waiting for. And it's finally come!! Just makes me so happy!!
And when it comes to eating. OMG-Girl can EAT!! She will seriously eat anything that you put in front of her face now!! And that's huge...because like 2 months prior to her 1st birthday, I was really worried that she wasn't eating enough. She would just brush everything off her highchair when you put it there. She would only eat like snacky foods...and I didn't want her to get used to that. Well, no fear. Cuz now she eats everything. Including veggies! As a matter of fact, veggies seem to be her fave!! Carrots and Green Beans are her favorite. She also likes peas and zucchini and potatoes.
Oh, and another great thing that we've accomplished is we're down to 1 bottle a day!!! Just this past weekend, Andy woke up with her as he usually does and let me sleep in. When I woke up, she was eating her cheerios in her highchair, and had a sippy of milk....I was shocked to see her pick it up and drink it...and then again, and again! And then I gave her another sippy of milk with her lunch...and she drank that too....she like chugged that baby down! I was so proud of her!!!
So, here we are, 14.5 months old...today (10.26) She decided that she was going to start walking like a champ. Hubby went out after work, so it was Me and Chloe for dinner, bath and bottle. While I was putting her clothes away before we started her bath, she just stood up and started walking. Fell, and then did it again, and again and again. I was so happy for her! She seemed so excited about it too!!! I think she will be fully walking in the next 2 weeks! I'll be a happy Mamma!!! Just for her to be able to walk from the car to the house after work when I have 3 bags to carry + the house key in my hand to open the door. It will just make things so much easier. But I am sure once this happens, we will wish that she didn't walk. LOL! Oh well...I'm ready for it!
Bring it on Tinker!
Love you baby girl!!
Oh, and another great thing that we've accomplished is we're down to 1 bottle a day!!! Just this past weekend, Andy woke up with her as he usually does and let me sleep in. When I woke up, she was eating her cheerios in her highchair, and had a sippy of milk....I was shocked to see her pick it up and drink it...and then again, and again! And then I gave her another sippy of milk with her lunch...and she drank that too....she like chugged that baby down! I was so proud of her!!!
So, here we are, 14.5 months old...today (10.26) She decided that she was going to start walking like a champ. Hubby went out after work, so it was Me and Chloe for dinner, bath and bottle. While I was putting her clothes away before we started her bath, she just stood up and started walking. Fell, and then did it again, and again and again. I was so happy for her! She seemed so excited about it too!!! I think she will be fully walking in the next 2 weeks! I'll be a happy Mamma!!! Just for her to be able to walk from the car to the house after work when I have 3 bags to carry + the house key in my hand to open the door. It will just make things so much easier. But I am sure once this happens, we will wish that she didn't walk. LOL! Oh well...I'm ready for it!
Bring it on Tinker!
Love you baby girl!!

YAY Chloe!!! I'm jealous that she eats anything b/c KP has been picky lately! Oh and KP totes has that cupcake tee ;-) but are we surprised?
Aw this is so sweet! I can totally relate. Its crazy how fast they grow up huh?! She is so adorable
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