Yet another SWW post! Can't believe that it's already here...again! So, I'll be linking up with Shannon today. If you haven't already, you should go check her out!!
So, this week I'm saying SO WHAT! if- My girl Mallory and I went to Subway for lunch, and started dancing to the music that was playing....can you say WE NEED A NIGHT OUT!!!
- I totally blow dried my bangs, and then pulled the rest of it (still wet) into a side bun and WENT TO WORK!! I don't care! I didn't feel like taking the time to dry the whole thing. And I TOTALLY got a compliment on it too! GO ME!
- I cried at work to get some appraisal for being a great employee...yea, I did it...and I'm proud to say that it worked!
- I buy Chloe clothes that aren't as cute as what I would normally buy her to send to day care for her to have if she has a blow out or something. I don't want her to miss out on wearing cute clothes cuz they are at day care...
- I totally wait for a close parking spot at day care so I don't have to walk far....it's a circle drive, and I ALWAYS get there like RIGHT after 10 other cars...UGH...
- I kind of want a lap top....JUST because I've become SO addicted to this blogging thing.
- Chloe is still taking 2 bottles a day. She's getting closer to having all her milk in a sippy in the morning...but not quite, and frankly, I'm ok with it.
- Chloe turned 14 months on 10/20 and she is JUST starting to be able to stand up freely on her own. It's ok! I'm ok with it....she'll get it when she gets it, and when she does, I'll wish that she didn't. LOL
- I tend to curse like a sailor....I'm not proud of it. (ok, I kind of am...) Obviously, I don't do it in front of the Tinker, but when the Hubs and I get together and have an Adult convo...it just comes out, and I can't help it.
- I decided that I needed new writing utensils to use with my Erin Condren planner. So I bought some sharpie magic markers!! Black, Purple, Lime Green and Pink!!
So that's it for my SWW post. Now, go and link up with Shannon!!

Girl if I hear music, I dance too. Doesn't matter where I am. So yeah, I need a night out too! Wish you were closer and we could go together!
My daughter didn't walk until she was 16 months. I'm convinced she knew how, she just didn't care to. Everyone carried her, so she was just being a diva. She's 3 1/2 now and looking at her personality, I KNOW I am right about it all - haha! Your girl will get there :)
Yea, I feel like Chloe CAN walk...she just chooses not to. She will SOMETIMES if you hold her hand but most of the time she just falls to her butt and crawls. LOL
So jealous of your new planner! I love that you curse like a sailor, and that you cried at work. Go you! You gotta do what you gotta do. :)
oh goodness girl where to begin ;) Nothing wrong with dancing in public yesterday we had Lydia with us whom is 2 & she was dancing for us @ outback everyone loved it. Nothing wrong with cussing like a sailor I think a lot of us do it, I know I do! I think I could keep going hehe but I won't :) I do hope you have a great week sweetie!
My son didn't walk until after he turned 1, and knowing him now (he's 8)I'm positive it's because he wanted to be damn sure he could do it without falling before he tried. Enjoy the calm before the storm!!!
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