She's been a crazy girl lately. Running around, talking a little more. She's just a ball of energy! Her hair is finally long enough for me to put all her hair in little piggy tails, instead of just little ones on the top of her head. So that's fun! I love doing that! And she looks sooooo cute with her hair done!
As for talking. She isn't say much...She talks A LOT. But not very many words yet. She can say Dada, Mamma, Banana (Badada), Up, Hi, Bye bye, Waffle....and I think that's pretty much it.
Body parts that she knows: head, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, hands, belly, fingers and feet.
She's a very smart girl! Just very stubborn! When we try to work with her on words and such, she just doesn't want to talk. LOL! I've even tried to count with her. She just won't have it. I've gotten her to put her finger up for #1. That's about it. LOL!
I'm sure she will get some point. LOL! But I'm not too worried.
At her last Dr appt, she was about 29 in long. (Yes, she is SHORT) and I think she was a little over 22lbs. We have her 18 month appointment on Feb 21st. So I will post her height and weight after that.
We have gotten her off all her bottles. That's been for awhile now. It wasn't even that hard! I was very surprised about that. Happy though. I thought we were going to have a hard time. Girl loved her night time baba...but she let it go like she had never had it before in her life. So that was good.
She is wearing 18 month clothes. Because she's so short, I'm sure we're good on 18 month pants for awhile, but she's starting to grow out of some of her 18 month shirts now. Her belly is just getting too big. LOL!
She loves chasing around the LOVE it! She tries to sit on her sometimes. LOL! The cat has learned to just run away from her. And then Chloe loves that even more. She seriously will run around like a crazy woman trying to catch her! It's hilarious!!
When she poops she goes straight to her changing table. And when she's hungry, she goes to her high chair and tries to climb it saying "up, up, up! She tells us what she wants, when she wants it! I love this age!!!!!
She loves going to Day Care! When we're getting ready to leave in the morning, and we ask her if she's ready to go, she just points to her jacket and hat and stomps her feet with excitement! It's the cutest thing ever!!
Oh, and she LOVES the car!!! Husband has a little dvd player hooked up in his car for her, so she watches that when she's with Daddy...but she's just fine without it in mine.
She loves watching TV! Sesame Street and Fresh Beat Band are her favorite.
So, I think that's about it as far as our little girl goes. She's getting so big, and we love each and every second we spend with her learning and growing. I'll post the height and weight updates when we go to the dr on the 21st.

1 comment :
Aw!! Reading that i was like "woah! Do we have the same kid?!" lol Leah is 7 months older though. They seriously had so much in common at that age! L was the same way in height and weight and with the bottle and speech and ever thing. She wouldn't talk much either saying just a few words like chloe. But is like as soon as she turned two her vocabulary just exploded. Its really kind of crazy. :)
But this age is so much fun :) enjoy your little lady.
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