Linking up with Jess over at Dude and Sweets for
This is what I'm feeling really good about this Monday!
I know I'm a little late to this party, but I'm still posting. So give me credit for that.
Today was my first day on my new schedule at work. 7-3:30 Monday and Tuesday and then 7:30-4 WTF! Oh, my gosh! For one, I loooove getting off work at 3:30 so far! That was a great feeling! I was able to run into Target to pick up finger paints so that Chloe and I could make Daddy's Vday gift BEFORE I picked her up from Day Care! So that felt REALLY good! We even got home in time to make the gift AND get Chloe fed before Daddy got home! So that was really nice.
Now, onto the whole waking up 40 minutes earlier in the morning. Well, it wasn't too bad today. I actually felt really good and rested, even though it took me awhile to fall asleep last night. But I'm sure those 40 minutes will catch up to me by the end of the week. I'll get used to it though. All in due time. I just keep thinking to myself that when the weather gets nice and warm, I'll just have that much more time to spend with Chloe in the afternoon! So, that's going to be SOOOO nice!
Onto Vacations. Husband and I have scheduled our summer getaway!!!! July 13th-20th! We're going to Maine! His Aunt and Uncle have a vacation home that they rent out. So, we're staying there! I'm so overly excited!!! AND...the best part is that our really good friends Will and Cassie and their twin girls are coming with us! The twins will be 3 at the end of this month. And now that Chloe is big enough to actually be able to hang out with them and play at their level, I'm so excited to be able to spend this time with them. We haven't really taken a REAL vacation since before Chloe. Back in June we drove to New York to visit the said Aunt and Uncle. It was fun, and very relaxing, but wasn't a real vacation, per say. So, this....I'm really looking forward to! We're planning to leave Friday the 13th, drive for like 8 or so hours, hotel and then drive the rest of the way. So that's going to be a really good time for us. I think Chloe's going to love it!
So, I think that's about it for this Monday Real. This is my first time linking up for this, and I have a feeling it won't be the last!

Dude that new schedule is BOMB!!! I love it!
Pretty awesome schedule! Thanks for commenting on my blog. I am a new follower!
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