This week I'm saying SO What if:
- Old Navy had such a great sale going on, I spent $68 on Chloe! Mostly all size 2t! She's in 18-24m Old Navy clothes now...so those should fit her once the warmer weather hits!
- I just renewed my Amazon Prime account because I get good deals on books for my Kindle with it....AND, who doesn't love free 2nd day shipping on ANY eligible order?! LOVE Amazon!
- Yesterday was Valentines Day....and Chloe didn't have a Valentines Day outfit! #Momfail! She just wore a cute little purple dress with tights...she looked adorable no matter what!
- We have so many things recording on our DVR that The Voice won't record on Monday night...so I have to wait all the way until Saturday to see the Monday episode....Boooo!!!
- I thought that because Google Friend Connect was going away, that meant bad news for all blogger things, so I tried Linky Followers....eh, don't like it. I'll just stick with all things Blogger. Way more user friendly! So, if you like me, just follow my blog through blogger!!
- I seriously am so overly excited for my new blog design! I'm on Katie's list over at Loves of Life. She made my zebra one, and I love it! But it's time for something new and different, and I can't wait to start working on it!
Ok, this this has nothing to do with So What Wednesday, but I HAVE to tell you guys. So....we had the inspection done yesterday on that house that we offered on. And then later on last night our Agent called and told us that the bank has already approved the sale for the price it was listed for. So basically all we have to do is give them the thumbs up, and we wait for closing. The house is basically OURS!!!!!!!!!!! You guys, I'm so stinkin' excited, I an't even put into words. Oh, AND to make matters even BETTER....we have a couple coming to see OUR house on Friday to see if they want to rent it. They told us that they will need to move in sometime in March. Um, can you say PERFECT?! Everything is just falling into place for us! I can't believe this!!!! So, there is my good news!!!! Feel free to congratulate us if you would like. :-)
Well, I think that's about it for this week's rendition of So What! Wednesday! Come back next week for more! And don't forget to check out Life After I "Dew" and link with with Shannon for more fun on this wonderful Wednesday!

Umm my DVR for some reason didn't record Biggest Loser last night and I'm pissed b/c they don't rerun that on the weekends!
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