This is my ThirtyOne Gifts order! I ordered these from my girl Mallory! She just started selling it, and she'd be more then happy to take your order if you are interested!! Hit her up if you want! She's such a sweetheart! This wasn't in my mail, but it was on my desk at work when I got there Monday morning! I got the over the shoulder organizer and the large utility tote!! I can't wait because I'm probably just going to pack all Chloe's essentials for our Maine trip in the utility tote!! And I'm already using my over the shoulder organizer as my purse! I LOVE it!!!
This, my lovely friends, is Chloe's Ah-Mazing 2nd birthday shirt!!!! It's from the lovely Deana from Isabella Inspired! Her Etsy shop is to die for, and I had a hard time picking just one thing! I cannot WAIT for her to wear this beauty! I showed it to her and her eyes LIT up!! Girl LOVES Minnie, and I can't wait to get all the decor figured out!
And, this...yes. These are samples from the Body by Vi! I saw her ad on Shannon's blog, and instantly had to contact her! I have been wanting to try the Body By Vi shakes for some time now...and I'm thinking that I might try the 90 day challenge! So, as soon as I try these shakes, I'll be sure to let you know what I think of them! I'm super excited!
So that was my exciting mail day!!! Hope everyone has a great week!!!

You will love the large utility tota, i have about 3 of them and use them ALL the time
I have the same pattern in the over the shoulder bag and I love it! I didn't add my initial but I added the little yellow flower and it's my fave. :)
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