- I had a great time on Vacation, but I'm so happy to be home!!
- From what we experienced on vacation, I'm starting to think that Chloe is better off without her naps..
- We got $100 each in our Anniversary card from MIL and it's already gone....on what you ask? Grocery shopping. #gettingold
- I JUST discovered Hulu
- Chloe is seriously obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Like, she refuses to watch anything else.
- Husband and I may or may not have smoked the entire time we were on vacation, and we have already quit....that's what vacation does to us, I guess...
Well, I think that's about it for now. Go link up with Shannon over at L.A.I.D!

found you from So What Wednesdays...and let me tell you, once I discovered Hulu I couldn't stop watching all of my shows!
HAH I always want to smoke when I'm on vacation and then I come home and I'm like...neeeever again.
Also, HULU rocks. I always end up watching the old SNL episodes of Celebrity Jeopardy.
Were you smoking when we were HTing last night!? I thought it sounded like you were!
I'm always ready the end of vacation to be back in my own bed!
I'm with Laura on the own bed thing. I just took a trip to see my family and as much as I loved spending time up there, it's sooooo nice to be home again! Found you on SWW.
Jen @ Craftymisadventures.com
Your new blog design is so pretty! I love it!
I love going on vacation, but coming home after is so nice. My son loves Mickey Mouse Club House, it's about all that we watch.
Sometimes I need a vacation from my vacation. But still, I love vacations.
Coming back from vacations is almost as exhausting as planning to go on them! :)
Visiting from Life After I Dew linkup! :)
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