- We had 2 microwaves in our kitchen up until Saturday morning....the one that came with the house didn't work. So we had to borrow one from the MIL
- Saturday was our anniversary and since it took until 2pm to install the new microwave, Chloe didn't nap because we wanted to go shopping!
- I have been a bottomless pit the past week and I'm not looking forward to weight in today....Oh Lord, it's not going to be good!
- I still haven't worked out more then once since the last time I told you I haven't worked out.
- Unless I get my SIL to come over and help me paint, Chloe's room won't get painted until December...so I'm hoping this happens before she leaves for school in August.
- We're really not even unpacked from moving yet, and now we have to start packing this week to leave on Friday for Maine...Ahh! I'm soooooo excited!
- I don't miss my old house...NOT.ONE.BIT!
Well, I think that's all for now! Make sure to go link up with Shannon and say SO WHAT!

Wait, December?! Why so long?
There has GOT to be something in the water, I have been eating NON STOP this week!
I always eat crazy right before my aunt flo comes. I hate that bitch! And I have 2 microwaves too! Nobody wants to buy this other one. Dammit. And I have it listed CHEAP!!
Why until December? & ugh Maine I wanna go! Can you pack me in the suitcase please :)
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