My Chloe girl is almost 2, and I can hardly believe it! I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday. How I woke up at about 1 in the morning and just laid in bed counting my contractions until about 3am because I didn't want to wake Hubby in case it wasn't time yet.
I remember how Hubby called the nurses and told them I had been having contractions 7 minutes apart for the past 3 hours, and they told him to tell me to GET IN THE SHOWER and get my BUTT to the hospital!!
I remember how Hubby made me my favorite sandwich, which consisted of wheat sandwich thins, salami, hot pepper cheese and mustard. We gave the cat kisses and told her that we would be bringing her sister home soon and jumped in the car and arrived at the hospital around 4am.
And then I remember the whole day being full of contractions, my Mom, painful contractions, and giving birth to my sweet baby girl.
And now, she's 23 months old, and I can't tell you where the time has gone. This past year has been AH-Mazing! Chloe has been learning and growing so much lately! She's just a sponge, and she is so happy! We bought a new house and girlfriend loves her new room! She loves all the space she has to run around and play in. And she loves the fact that we're so close to our besties Will and Cassie and their twin 3 year old girls!
Chloe and Shadow (the cat) get along pretty well now too! Shadow kinda hates to love Chloe. Chloe will run and chase her, and Shadow will run from her. But when Chloe is sitting, Shadow will rub against her and purr. And Chloe just gets a kick out of that and laughs and says "awwww, Sadow"
Girl has been in a todder bed since she was like 19 or 20 months. She loves it! She's only fallen out about 3 times, and every time she's gotten right back up in it and went right back to sleep! She's always been an amazing sleeper, and I'm so grateful for that! Couldn't have asked for a better baby....Ever!
This week Chloe left the country for the first time! We drove through Canada to get to Maine. That was an interesting 20 hour drive.....but we made it, and we're having a blast!
Chloe has been loving the beach and hanging out with her friends Caitlyn and Alexa. We have just been relaxing and having a great time on our family vacation with our besties Will and Cassie and their twin girls! It's been great, and of course I don't want it to end!
I can't believe that my girl is going to be 2 years old in 1 month! It's just crazy to me, and she's growing and learning so much, and I can't wait to see what the future brings for her! She's Mama's baby girls. Always and forever. No matter what happens with our family in the {FAR} future, she's always the one that made me a Mommy! And I will forever cherish that with her!
This week Chloe left the country for the first time! We drove through Canada to get to Maine. That was an interesting 20 hour drive.....but we made it, and we're having a blast!
Chloe has been loving the beach and hanging out with her friends Caitlyn and Alexa. We have just been relaxing and having a great time on our family vacation with our besties Will and Cassie and their twin girls! It's been great, and of course I don't want it to end!
I can't believe that my girl is going to be 2 years old in 1 month! It's just crazy to me, and she's growing and learning so much, and I can't wait to see what the future brings for her! She's Mama's baby girls. Always and forever. No matter what happens with our family in the {FAR} future, she's always the one that made me a Mommy! And I will forever cherish that with her!

1 comment :
Where in Maine are you vacationing? We go to Old Orchard Beach every summer, its one of my favorite places! We live in RI so it's only a 4ish hour drive.
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