Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday Letter's


Linking up with Ashley over at Adventures of Newlyweds for Friday Letters!!

Dear Work
Thank you for the very generous gift that you gave us at the meeting last weekend, and also. I'm going to miss you's been a great 4.5 years. But moving to the warehouse is going to be a great new start!! I can't wait! 
Dear Chloe
I really hope that this move isn't going to ruin your are SUCH a great sleeper and we're going to try and make it as easy and painless for you as possible. 
Dear New house
I cannot wait until we are settled into you. You are the perfect home for us, and it's going to be an amazing rest of our lives living in you! So, please be good to us! 
Dear Renters,
I just ask one thing of you. Please take care of our house. It's been a great home for us to live in the past 7 years. We brought our baby home to this house and we have loved every minute of living here. But starting next week she is yours to take care of. So, please do so and keep her nice and clean. Thank you! 
Dear Vacation, 
Please hurry up and get here. I feel like I can't wait one more minute for you. And I know that after moving homes and moving buildings at work, I'm going to need every single second of vacation that I can get.
Dear Belongings, 
Would it be possible for you to move yourself? Like, pack and somehow make it to the new house on your own without me having to lift a finger? That would be amazing!
Dear Husband,
Thank you for being you!! Thank you for being the best Husband and the best Daddy to our little princess!! She loves you more then life and I love you so much that you will never ever know!! You have made me the person that I am today and you are my rock! I love you!


1 comment :

★ JASMINE ★ said...

Love the letters hun! I found your blog on Ashelys pages {fridays letters} & wanted to say hi!

Happy to be your newest bloggy friend & follower!

Say hi back sometime?