How did you come up with your blog name? It's actually quite simple. My last name is Seed....obviously that's my Husbands last name....so I just kind of thought, well. It did all start with a Seed, right? So it was perfect!
What is your favorite thing about blogging? For sure the friendships that I've made!! I wouldn't trade it for the world. I've become so much closer to my cousin who I haven't seen in probably a good 12 years from blogging. And I've made some great friendships with people that I've never even met. I am closer with my bloggy friends than I am with IRL people.
What is one thing you have discovered because of blogging and now cant live without? I'd probably have to say my Kindle. With all these different people blogging about different books they are reading, having my Kindle has made it much easier to keep up with the times.
Facebook or Twitter? and why? Twitter for SURE! I used to HATE Twitter. I didn't understand it. But after becoming a blogger, it's like a MUST! I barely post on my Facebook anymore. I do sometimes, but for the most part, Twitter is my home.
If one celeb read your blog who would you want it to be? I'm thinking probably some small town celeb....I'm not sure really.
What is something you want people to know about your blog? This blog is basically all about me and my life. Sometimes I bitch a lot, and sometimes it's all lovey dovie. Nonetheless, it's real and it's all about my life. I post pictures a lot, and sometimes my posts are short and sweet and sometimes they are long and drawn out. It's just whatever I'm feeling that day. So I hope you like it!!!

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