- I had ALL my posts for this week DONE Saturday night! I was on a roll and didn't see the need to stop.
- When Chloe is on a no nap day, I kind of like it and just go with it, because I know she's just going to crash around 6ish, quick bath, some milk, and out by 7:30pm!
- Chloe's been wearing her size 4 shoes for way too long. I feel really bad. But I finally put them in the too small bin and pulled out the 2 size 5 tennis that she has. And oh Lawd, they are Adorable! And she loves her new "shooosss"!!!
- The past couple of months, I've been buying myself a new piece of clothing here and there knowing that I have NO room in my closet now, but I will soon have a new closet with PLENTY of room to put everything.
- Finished the 300 Ab Challenge! I can finally see the results, and it makes me feel sooo good! Now I just need to start doing the cardio when we get moved into our new house and get the treadmill set up.
- I've been enjoying this cooler weather, but I've already put most of Chloe's warmer clothes away....uh oh. LOL! Summer better get here QUICK!!
- My work has set the date for our big move....and guess what that day is. June 29th. Of course. The day that our renters are moving into our house. Seriously, do you want me to have a heart attack!? Sure seems that way!
- I'm looking forward to my all day work meeting on June 16th! I am involved in a huge surprise for the CEO, AND I am really hoping that we get some nice bonus checks!!!
- I'm not looking forward to getting paid this week. After missing 3 days unpaid when I had HFM, yea, it's not going to be worth a shit!
- Never in my life have I ever had a green thumb, but I'm considering starting a garden at the new house. There is a perfect spot for it, and it would be nice to have some fresh veggies since Chloe's loves them!
- Still don't have anything planned for Chloe's birthday. I'm waiting until I know what our home address is going to be. I think that's a good idea, don't you?
Well, I think that's about enough for this week! Make sure to check out Shannon's life of what she's saying So What! to!! And link up!
Ladies and Gents, I have good news. We got the appraisal done on our house and it came back with good news!!!!!!!! So hopefully by the end of this week we can schedule the closing!!!

Congrats on the ab challenge! I did it for the 1st time last night and OMG. girl... that ish is no joke! I could hardly do 15 let alone 25 of any of them. I'm not sore today, which makes me think I did them totally wrong :/
I don't have a green thumb either, every plant I've ever had I've managed to kill. J got me a hanging basket for mother's day this year, it's still alive right now but we'll see for how much longer.
No green thumb here (with plants), but I can certainly rock a garden!! Give it a shot :)
How excited you must be for your move!! Bigger house = bigger closets = AWESOME
Congrats on the ab challenge,....you look great!! Cant wait for you guys to move...so happy for you!!!!
congrats on the soon-to-be closing! great SWW list!
Great list! I have never had a green thumb but have a husband who does (thankfully).
Found you through the Mingle with Us. Following via GFC. Would love for you to stop by for a visit!
Jill @ Create.Craft.Love.
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