Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday Funday at the Detroit Zoo!!!

Today when I woke up, Husband and just gotten Chloe out of bed and she was sitting on the couch drinking her "moo" (Milk). {Either she's one of the smartest 21 month olds out there and she knows that milk comes from cows, or that's just how she pronounces it}
Anyways, Husband came up with a great idea to go to the zoo! I immediately agreed and jumped in the shower! I just couldn't wait! This was going to be Chloe's FIRST time ever at the zoo! I just knew she would love it! Girl loves animals!!!
So, without boring you with all the details, I'll just show you the pictures!

That would be a camel...with 2 humps. Not sure the difference between that and 1...I didn't read the sign.

Look Daddy!!!

Standing on the railing getting wet by the mist from the fountain cuz it was windy out.

Watching the water in the fountain

Is this not just the cutest pic of us?!

Chloe, what does a Tiger say? "Raaar!!!"

Just a "Money" NBD

Seemed as though all the aminals were on nap time.

"Birdies, Mama!!!!"

Love this shot!

She wanted to go per the Peacock

Peacock roaming around the eating area


This was taken from pretty far away, but turned out super cute!



You can tell she was getting tired

Another good pic of us! These don't happen very often. I'm normally the one with the camera!

Another good shot of the Giraffe

Lazy Kangaroo

Not sure if he was sleeping, or dead. He didn't move AT ALL....I felt bad. It was pretty hot.

Well, that concludes our Sunday Funday at the Detroit Zoo. I was pretty impressed with how many animals were out. When Husband and I went some years ago, there was literally NO animals I was pretty pleased.



Ashleigh Nichole said...

I am so glad that she had such a fun time @ the zoo with you both :) I so wanna go to the zoo now lol! I love the first picture of you two together. It was super duper cute :) n ps I also love the new profile picture for the page!

Melissa said...

Yay! The zoo is so much fun! And it's nice to see photos of you with Chloe! Make sure you get those more often. I don't have many of me with the kids, because I am always the one with the camera. Shhh... I don't trust "other people's" photography skills... lol

Tiffany said...

awwww, look at her! She looks like she had so much fun! I loved taking Sydney to the zoo because she is getting older and recognizes the animals now!