Linking up with Ashley over at Adventures of Newlyweds for my very first Friday Letters!!
Dear Blogger,
Dear Blogger,
Can you please fix yourself and start making my posts visible in my Followers Feed?? Thanks!
Dear Self,
Please remember to call your order into Subway today! Remember last Friday you stood inline for 15 minutes?! Yea, that wasn't fun because you had to SHOVE your sub in your mouth in about 10 minutes once you got back to work!
Dear Chloe,
Thank you for being such an amazing Toddler and adjusting soooo well to everything that we throw at you! Toddler bed included! I love you and Mommy and Daddy thank God everyday for the amazing little girl that you are!!!! But just one thing....when Mama says that it's bed time, hunny, you should probably go to bed. Cuz 9pm is WAY too late for you.
Dear Husband,
Thank you for being an amazing Husband! Thank you for giving every effort you have to help out with things even though you have so much on your plate with school and work AND waiting on this new house to come through!
Dear Weight,
Can you please just get down to 120 and stay there?! That'd be great! Thanks!
Dear New House,
I'd really like to start moving into you! So, if you could please get this process moving just a LITTLE bit faster, that'd be awesome. We'd like to move into you the weekend of the 22nd!!
Dear Farmer's Market,
The very first time we decided to go to you for some fresh fruit and veggies, you aren't there......when I want fruits and veggies, I'd rather not go downtown and walk around an art festival....COME the Eff ON!!!!
Dear Laundry,
I'd appreciate it if you would just put yourself away. This Mama is just WAY too busy for you, and I'd so much rather blog or read 50 Shades then put you on a hanger when you are just going to go on the floor when I'm done wearing you.
Dear Farmer's Market,
The very first time we decided to go to you for some fresh fruit and veggies, you aren't there......when I want fruits and veggies, I'd rather not go downtown and walk around an art festival....COME the Eff ON!!!!
Dear Laundry,
I'd appreciate it if you would just put yourself away. This Mama is just WAY too busy for you, and I'd so much rather blog or read 50 Shades then put you on a hanger when you are just going to go on the floor when I'm done wearing you.

if you figure out a way to get the laundry to do itself let me know!
if you figure out a way to get the laundry to do itself let me know!
Ha. Laundry SUCKS! I hate it.
Awww, your little girl is adorable! Loving your Friday letters!
Love the letters miss!
happy friday!
I will have some tomatoes and peppers for you later on this summer! :)
Love the post miss! so now where to start...(1) I can see the post now yay have been pretty much all week now but you done know this ;) bc I was one happy girl, (2) I just love little miss! (3) Hush it bout weigh you are skinny mini I wish I was that small! (4)Where is the new house @ & is it bigger then the last? & (5) I love farmers markets during the summer fresh fruit & veggies are amazing I especially love the one in Georgia :) I hope you all 3 have a great weekend sweet girl :)
I like the come the eff on! haahha I had a similar experience sometime. I just followed you today, since I love your blog. Can't wait for more! Check out mine when you get a chance @
NEW HOUSE?! congratulations!!! lovely blog :) found you via the link up and am happy to follow! xo
Thank you. It's crazy how fast he's grown. Your little girl is a doll. I don't know what it is with babies not wanting to sleep. zaiden fights it so much. Let me know if your laundry decides to put its self away, I'll need to know that trick! Good luck with your house!
your newest follower
Natasha @
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