Our house is an absolute mess right now. It's ridiculous. But honestly, I don't really care. I know that we're moving shortly...so it's only a matter of time before we get all this stuff into it's new home.
We have moved quite a bit of stuff into a storage unit. We got a 10x10 unit, and it's actually really close to our potential new house. So that works out perfectly! We have moved lots of odds and ends into the unit. Most all of our wall stuff. Our dresser, Amour, and and all the stuff we had stored above our garage. So needless to say, our house is looking pretty bare right now. We took all the drawers our of our dresser and moved that just because it's huge and we didn't want to deal with it later. So our bedroom looks like shit right now. But whatever. All that furniture is going into the spare bedroom in the new house and we are gifting ourselves a new bedroom set! Yay for that!!!!!! And obviously we aren't going to move Chloe's room until the very last minute...like the DAY we move into our house. Her stuff and the cat will be the last things to see this house. I think when we come to get that stuff, that's going to be the time when I might cry...just saying goodbye to this house is going to be bittersweet! But I just keep reminding myself that we're moving onto bigger and better and we're starting our new life. And I can't wait for that!
So, here is a look at what our house looks like now. no judging!
Laundry and other things piled up high in the laundry room...
Pictures from other rooms just piled in the breezeway
Shelves looking pretty bare in the kitchen
Bare walls in dining room. Wall to the right used to have a huge mirror on it.
Bare walls in the living room
Dresser drawers and patchwork in the bedroom
So, you see! We need to hear that we are closing soon on this house so that I can get organized again!! This is driving me Cray-Ze!!!!

oh yikes! you're super brave! and Chloe... omggg she's the cutest ever! Ok she's not really in this post but the pic on the side-bar. Adorableness!
We did the same thing with our bedroom set when we moved into our house. Got a king size bed for us, and moved our old set into the guest room. I love the king size bed (especially when both boys jump in bed with us), and it's really nice to have a guest room where friends/family can stay over and have a decent place to sleep.
Ahhh! Moving must be so stressful and chaotic! But yay for a new house and bedroom set! WOOHOO!
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