So, the scar on my left thigh that's about 4 inches or so long (give or take some). I was on my parents boat, and went to jump off the back of it, and didn't jump far enough. Now, know that the boat was not on. So the propeller was not on. To be quite honest, I didn't feel the initial cut happen because I remember not even realizing that blood was draining out of my leg until I had been walking on dry land for a good 5 minutes or so. So, it didn't really even hurt. But it was pretty deep, and there is a pretty nice scar to prove it!
(kinda hard to see, and please don't mind the hair...I don't shave that high in the winter. Don't judge!)
Second on my list of ugliness....the ones from my firework accident. You guys read about that here. And if you didn't, you can click on that link! So's some pictures to prove that. Those, not so nice while they were healing.
There are a lot more of those, but some are in places that I can't/don't want to post on the internet.
Besides those, there are a few scars here and there that I really couldn't tell you where they came from. Some I know of, and they just aren't that big of a deal. But the biggest ones...the ones that I will have to live with for the rest of my life, the ones that mean the most to me. The ones that remind me of my beautiful daughter every single day of the year that I see know the ones I'm talking about. If you're a Mom, you probably have them to. Whether they be on your stomach, boobs, thighs, back, whatever. You know you got em, and you know they are pretty little ugly things. But we got em, and they remind us of that special 9 months of pregnancy that we went through...and is mine. Hope you have a vomit bucket near by. This might just make you hearl.
So there you have it. Some of my battle scars. Do you have any? What are they from? Any good stories about them? Please, share!!

I just would like to take a minute and talk about this blog. The first two pictures have their stories, and yes their scars..but I want to focus on that last picture for a minute.
While you might look at it and think that it's gross, you should be thinking about how amazing those marks are. While your other scars have stories from the past, these ones are marks that are at the beginning of the story rather than the end.
No vomit buckets.
No "ew's".
No "gross"
Because every woman has marks..that make her beautiful. Every woman has marks that make her different. These are your mama marks, and their the beginning of a story that has yet to be written.
I love that you had the courage to post this. It's an amazing feature that women lucky enough to be mothers are granted with. I have marks of my own, but that's because I am Italian and I know how to eat ;)
I'm proud of you <3
Thank You Mal!! I love that you always know what to say and how to say it to lighten any mood!!! I'm DAMN proud of my stretch marks, and I know that eventually in time they will get lighter, and hopefully just be slight reminders of my wonderful time with Chloe in the belly, but until that day comes, I'm going to be proud of them, and I know deep in my heart that these are the battle scars that every wonderful mother out there has....and we need to accept that!!
I once read a quote that said, "Your body is not ruined... you're a tiger who's earned her stripes!" I think it's awesome that you're proud of your stretch marks, and that you're brave enough to show them off on your blog! Mine probably wouldn't bother me as much if I didn't still have the chubby baby belly to go along with the stretch marks! lol
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