It all started like it normally does. I gave Chloe a bath, put her lotion on, put some baby vicks on her feet, and put her jammies on. (yes, she has a slight cold right now) After that we sat with her for a little while on the couch, and then got her bottle ready. Per normal, we got her lovey, and her blanket and gave her a bottle, and when she was done she cuddled up to me and slowly started to close her eyes. But then, Daddy walked in the room...and for some reason she went BALLISTIC!!! She wanted her Daddy, and nothing and nobody was going to get in her way. She was fighting me tooth and nail for her Daddy. So after trying to basically wrestle her for 5 minutes, I gathered her lovey and her blanket and took her in her room. Lights off, and I just held her and shhhed her and tried to calm her down. She finally stopped crying and just laid on me. So I held her and rocked her for about 5 minutes and then put her in her crib. She tried to fight me, tried to sit up, cried a little bit. And I just rubbed her back, patted her butt, and she just laid there. Fussed a little here and there, and then I started to walk away backwards while I was still shushing. Closed the door, and then that was it. Done deal. She was sleeping. I honestly just stood at her door for a few minutes just to make sure I could still hear her breathing. I am still in shock. 8:58pm, and not a peep. I'm so happy!!! So, starting tomorrow night, we're going to give her a bottle in her bedroom, and put her down then. With no TV time, so stimulation....and that's going to be the beginning of it. Once we have that down, it's gonna be time to say buh bye to the bottle. So, wish us luck!!

1 comment :
You know what's funny? KP has ALWAYS gone down without a peep and since you've started with Chloe she hasn't! Literally I have to go in there like 2 or 3 times, this entire week! So...maybe you should stop so KP will get back to her usual. K? Thanks. Bye.
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