Speaking of new houses. Our search continues. We have seen so many houses, that I can't even count anymore. It's redonkulous....but I guess that's why they call it house hunting. We've seen quite a few that seemed to be great choices for us, but there was just 1 or 2 things that we couldn't stand about it. Or the main floor was PERFECT, but the upstairs had a REALLY narrow hallway, and the master bathroom SUCKED ass!! Or the house was like 90% there...had everything that we could have possibly wanted, but there was ABSOLUTELY NO backyard. UGH....so, for now the search continues. We have a very picky checklist that we just can't overlook. We are a family with a 15 month old toddler that is running around the house like she owns it, she's got A TON of toys, and clothes and shoes, and with Christmas right around the corner, she will be getting a TON MORE toys and clothes and shoes. LOL! Girl needs a play room AND a bigger closet. Momma and Daddy need more closet space. As we speak, all my clothes are STUFFED into a TINY ass closet in our bedroom...with literally NO more room to add. Husband has his shirts, hoodies and Jerseys hung on the top rack of Chloe's closet. And he has his work shirts and pants hung in the hallway closet with all of our fancy clothes hung on the door of the hallway closet by a screw that is hanging by literally a thread. And then he also has his jeans and shorts hung in the breezeway on a makeshift thing that we have in there...so there's that. Would you agree that we need a walk in closet that we can put ALL of our EVERY season clothes into, along with shoes and all that...um, YES PLEASE!
Also on the house checklist, We need a big back yard. Now, we're not talking about acres here...but something comparable to what we have now. As little as this house is, we do have a decent back yard. But with a growing toddler, that's just something that we would want. And if we even decide to expand our pet family to a dog...it would be nice to have.
We also want a nice kitchen, and main floor laundry. If we LOVE the house, and the laundry is in the basement, that wouldn't be a detour-ant, but it's something that would be nice to have. Also, a nice living room...it's just a must for us! We need the room for Chloe to run around. She's been walking like a pro for the past month and a half, and she is currently working on her running skills. But she really doesn't have the room to do that right now. So, I'm sure she does all her best
Oh, and last night I made the Bubble Up Enchiladas....thanks to Pinterest and Shannon Dew. It was so delish!! Up next for this week. Chicken and Cheese lasagna roll ups! I will let you know how they turn out! Our grocery shopping experience was interesting on Saturday night. I'd never bought feta or Ricotta before, so I had to ask for help. LOL!!
So, that's about it for this Monday. I really didn't have anything fun to blog about, so this was a poor excuse for something good...but I hope you all enjoy it. Stay tuned for "Ask me Anything" tomorrow!! This should be good!!

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