Obviously this was all before Little Miss Chloe was brought into this world. My parents have a cottage Up North (northern Michigan) and Husband and I used to always go up on the weekends in the summer time. It was just a huge 3 day/2 night party! My parents, my sister and her husband and lots of family friends. Lots of drinking and lots of fun times!
So, the fish story is the first on the list. This actually happened well before I met Husband. I was probably about 15 or so years old. And we were just hanging out on the beach. Somebody had caught a fish. It wasn't a big fish...just a perch is I remember correctly. And being that I was only about 15 years old, I wasn't drinking....so alcohol had NOTHING to do with this one. My brother-in-law was always one to bet me that I couldn't/wouldn't do something. But, like any 15 year old. When there is money involved, I would do pretty much anything. He put (if I remember correctly) $100 on the table. And well...I pick the fish up, flopping around and all, and stuck the head in my mouth and just bit down. Held it in my mouth for a quick second, and spit it out. That was it! That was all I had to do. My sister handed me my can of Mountain Dew, and I chugged that until it was gone.....that's it! $100 in my hand!!
So, then next is the worm. This time, there was alcohol involved! And I can promise you, I probably would have had a bit of a harder time doing this if I wasn't a little intoxicated. LOL! So, I really didn't know Husband at all at this time. This was before we were together. But he was hanging out with his buddy Corey, who is my brother-in-laws cousin. After a long day at the beach, my brother-in-law bet that I wouldn't eat a whole worm. Well....again, give me money, and I'm bound to do whatever. So I did...I put the worm in my mouth and let that little wiggly sucker slide right down my throat. When we got back to the cottage, in front of the whole crew, my brother-in-law gave me my money. Later on that night, there was a game of horseshoes going on. Husband was very intoxicated, and wasn't winning....AT ALL. And there was money on the game. So my brother-in-law gave him a chance to win his money back. Double or nothing....throw a ringer in 10 tries. Well, Husband couldn't do it. Bless his heart. So he wrote a check out for whatever the amount was. Again, I think it was $100. So then I said, hey! Let him eat a worm for his money back. BIL slipped the check in my back pocket, my sister and I took Husbands car to the marina and asked a random fisherman for a worm. Got what we needed and headed back to the cottage. Gave Husband the worm, and he ate it. So he took his check back and that was it! End of story!
So there you have it. I'm no Fear Factor champ...I can assure you I wouldn't be able to do half the shit they do!! That shit is just WRONG! But, give me money, and a little bit of alcohol, and I just might give you a little show. Hahaha!!!

1 comment :
Dude... gross... lol
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