Ok, now onto my Mommy fail. So, Sunday night we went to the In Laws for dinner. We had tacos with all the fixings. Lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cheese, avocados, sour cream and taco sauce. So, we were eating, and Chloe had already eaten some of her dinner. We put her in the high chair next to us, and we gave her some lettuce, and some avocados. She had never liked the avocados before, and she was actually eating them. So I gave her a few pieces. So then I went to the store on Monday to get some stuff to make dinner. I bought an avocado because Chloe liked it so much, that I thought I would give her a little bit for dinner for the next few nights. I didn't end up giving her any Monday, but I gave her some on Tuesday. And then yesterday when I picked her up from Day Care they told me that her butt was really red and she was having a hard time pooping because her butt hurt. I thought that it was just another diaper rash, so when we got home I fed her per normal and gave her the last of the avocado...DUH....I shouldn't have done that. I wasn't even thinking. I gave her some prunes to make it easier for her to poop. Girl gobbled them up like a maniac! She loves prunes! But then when it came time to give her a bath poor girl couldn't even sit in the tub. Her butt hurt that bad! So I washed her up while she stood there, got her out, dried her off, put her lotion on and put some maalox/aquaphor mixture on her bottom. She screamed, of course, but once I rubbed it in, it made her feel a lot better. That mixture is the BOMB.com, ya'll! Let me tell you! Thanks to Shannon Dew for telling me about that!
So anyways, the whole point of this is that I basically realized, after 3 nights of having avocados, that she just might be allergic to them. That's the only thing that I can think of. That's the only thing that she's had out of the ordinary stuff that she usually eats...and she's not been THIS red for a while. So, I'm going to lay off the avocados and just love her and wait for her butt to clear up and never give her avocados ever again. Well, for awhile at least.
I feel like a total Mom fail, and I feel super dumb for not realizing this sooner. But I never really had the opportunity to think about it. The last time (this summer) I tried to give her avocados, she didn't like them. So she didn't eat any for us to even see if they agreed with her or not. Bad thing is, she LOVED them this time...and when I gave them to her last night, I was only going to give her 1 slice, but when I took the other slice away she asked for more. So I just gave it to her. So I might cry because I'm sure that her butt is going to be even worse today then it was last night. I just hope that it heals good and fast. Wish me luck guys! I love my girl, and I hate seeing her in pain and uncomfortable like this.
So there is my rant about my Mommy/Wife fail. The Mommy one a little bit harder on me, obviously.

1 comment :
Awe, you're definitely not a mom fail. We've all done things like this. I have a story almost exactly like this for how I figured out Kaylee was allergic to cinnamon. Sorry she got such a bad diaper rash from it though, poor thing. :(
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