So, anyways, back to what the post is really about. Reflection on 2011....
This year has been pretty amazing. And, some parts not so amazing...but we live and we learn (and we get luvs) Sorry....every time I say that quote, I always think of the diaper commercial. LOL!
Anyways, We have been so blessed to have Chloe in our lives. I know that she wasn't born in 2011, but she has done most of her growing and learning and exploring in 2011....She's been a pretty busy girl. From day care to getting the sickies here and there to going on vacations. It's just been a whirlwind for us. We had her baptism and her 1st birthday. We've been happy/sad/angry and all different emotions all at once with my family. Andy turned 31, I turned 25....But all in all it's been an amazing year. And I can't wait for 2012.
Let far as vacations go, we drove to New York when Chloe was 10 months old....and then the very next weekend we got her baptized. Only a short month and a half later she turned 1. At the end of September we went up north to Harbor Springs. We've been up north to see my parents in Unionville a few times.
I've become a pretty decent cook, and have started my journey down this thing called losing the baby weight. We've started the house hunting process in hopes of finding that perfect home for our family. And I've "met" some pretty amazing ladies here in the Blogging world!! And speaking of the blogging world, I just want to take a moment to reach out to my cousin...who I haven't seen in probably like 10-12 years. Shannon Dew, yes! I'm talking to you....we NEED to make it a point in 2012 to meet up!!!! Like FOR REAL this time. I know that we tried to plan it twice last year, and for 1 reason or another it didn't happen. But For all reasons that we don't even need to discuss....we WILL meet up. THIS WILL HAPPEN! Before the kids go off to college. LOL!
Chloe started crawling, talking, walking...she had her first Easter and First 4th of July. She had her 2nd Thanksgiving. Which was kind of like her first because 2010 she wasn't old enough to even try any of the good food. She also had her 2nd Christmas, but again, almost kind of her first due to age...and this year was SO MUCH better then last year!
So, I'm really looking forward to a whole bunch of different things for 2012. I can't wait to watch Chloe grow and learn more. Learn different words, and learn how to do different things. Hopefully we can find ourselves a good home to move into, and then my company will be moving buildings in August. So it's just going to be a great year for us. And I can't wait to get to know all of my blog friends more, and hopefully get some new followers and share with you all my crazy life as we all learn and grow together.
So, I'm sure as you all have probably guessed, I'm going to be 1 of the 100 million people with the lose weight and eat right New Years Resolution. Only, I won't be that person that goes to the gym for 1 month and then falls off the bandwagon...nope. That won't be me. I promise you that I won't even step foot in the gym! HA! Not even going to waste my time. If I feel the need to move around, well...I have a toddler. AND I have a treadmill. So that should do me. My goal is to meet my goal by my birthday...which, if you didn't already know, is 2 short months away, ladies. Yes! I am giving myself till March 5th to lose the REST of this damn weight! And yes! I will do it. I am not giving myself any other choice. It's DO OR DIE this time.
So, thanks for reading in the short time I've been blogging in 2011, and I hope that I can keep you all intrigued enough to continue reading for a very long time!! Happy New Year my lovely ladies! I hope that your year was just as amazing as ours has been, and I wish you all an amazing 2012!!

How bout we plan on something in the spring? When it's not too cold, not too hot. I think that sounds perfect!
Children are the greatest blessing. It makes our lives THAT much better.
Hope for an even better 2012! if that's even possible :)
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