This week I'm saying SO WHAT! if:
- I haven't had a free moment on the weekends for probably the past 4 or so weeks.
- Chloe woke up last Tuesday with Hand Foot Mouth, and I kind of sighed a breath of relief that I was able to call into work...bad Mom, or just a Mom that was happy to take a day off and spend it with my girl?
- I got my Christmas fund check last week, and it's already almost gone....what did I buy? Nothing for anybody else but me....Ooops.
- I bought my black boots and a Bomber coat with my own Christmas money...eh. Whatever.
- I know EXACTLY what I want to get Husband for Christmas...now I just gotta find the time to either order them, or go to a store where I can get them. UGH....
- I'm not worried about getting anybody else gifts for Christmas besides my Husband and my daughter...
- I haven't used my credit card in over a month. But when I saw a $10 Groupon for $20 worth of Old Navy...well....the credit card # was saved on my Groupon account, so that's what I used. LOL!
- Chloe is 15 months old, and we're just now trying the whole put down to bed awake thing. The thing is, she falls asleep in my arms while drinking her milk. But she's been waking up as soon as I get up to put her down. So, I just push her down, snuggle her in a blanket, and put her lovey in her hand, and she's good to go. THANK GOD!
- Again, with the Chloe is 15 months old thing. We have yet to get her off her night time bottle. Oh well...in due time. I'm thinking maybe 18 months. Or, if we have the time to do it before then. I'm not in any rush.
- I don't want to take her binky away. That's the only thing that calms her when she's freaking out. UGH...why do we have to do these things to ourselves?
- I couldn't find just a single pair of Christmas jammies for Chloe. So, yep, I bought a 2 pack from Target. So what! She'll have one to wear Christmas Eve Eve, AND Christmas Eve!!
- We put our Christmas tree up with the lights...but no ornaments yet. Hopefully this weekend! Hopefully.....
Well, that's all for this week. Hope ya'll had fun! Come back next week for more SO WHAT! Fun!

1 comment :
I'm glad you spent your bonus on just YOU! everyone needs that every once in a while!
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