When you get pregnant, you think, oh, I'm going to have so much help...Mom, Sister, MIL...(or was that just me?)
Well...when we broke the news to my parents that we were expecting, they in return decided to move up north. 2 hours away. (not because of the news...they had been contemplating the idea for awhile) but it just hurt me a lot. I thought that my Mom was going to be there for me through all the trials and tribulations of having a baby. She did come into town when I was in labor. She was there for the whole birth...which I am very thankful for. She helped me a lot, and without the help of her and Husband, it would have been a lot harder on me. And she stayed in town for the first week we were home. She came over everyday, she brought gifts, and helped me out when I needed her most. I was a new mommy to this little helpless baby, and I had no idea what to do. So that was very special to me. But when she left, and Husband went back to work...I was all alone. I was able to call on her, but I wished that she was there with me. Helping me. As for my sister, she doesn't have kids. So she really had no idea what I was going through, I was able to call on her when I was at my lowest...crying for no reason, not knowing what to do...she was there to listen. So that was really nice of her! And as for the MIL, she was a huge help. Brought us groceries to last the first few week, and came over to babysit when we needed to get out. So that was really nice. She's been a God send to us this whole time. AMAZING women, let me tell you! We couldn't thank her enough!
Ok, sorry, got off subject for awhile. So, back to me being a Rock Star Mom. I think that this past 14 months have been amazing. I've never felt more important in my entire life. Taking care of this little person has been hard work. But she's still here, learning and growing everyday. It's such a great feeling when I see her do something that we taught her. Like signing "please". OMG! It's so precious!! When I first decided that I wanted to teach her to sign, I was like "oh, good Lord! This isn't going to be easy. This is never going to work....but girlfriend picked it up so quick!! And now, she signs "please" without being prompted to! I.LOVE.IT! She's such a smart little girl. She can say "Hi", "up", "Dada", "Mama", "Kitty", and I think I'm forgetting something. She knows where her socks and shoes go. She knows where her feet, nose, eyes and mouth are. She knows what her bath is, and she knows what her baba is. She's extremely addicted to her binky and her lovey, and she is a total, complete Daddy's girl. But I love every second of my time with her! She's made my life complete!

Oh you are HILARIOUS! Umm...I'm far from a rockstar but I'm just happy our girls are happy and healthy!
You are absolutely a rockstar! And I am too! LOL!! We have amazing, healthy happy girls, and we're BOTH doing a great job!!
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