1. What style do you tend to lean towards when decorating your home?
I don't really have a style right now....our house is just...eh. But we are currently on the search to buy a new home, so I want to start looking through magazines and such to get some ideas of how to make a house a home!
2. I never leave the house without...
My phone....I always have my purse, no matter what, no matter where I am going, but I HAVE to make sure that my phone is with me at all times.
3. I love to pamper myself by...
WHEN I have the extra money, I love to shop...and it's usually just for the babes, but on occasion, I'll splurge for myself. And, since we're on somewhat of a tight budget, when I get starbucks, that's a treat for me!
So, there you have it! Go Link up with Jessica and have a great Thursday!!

I have to have my phone always, too!!! A.L.W.A.Y.S. PS I feel the same way about our house... It's just eh haha
I love that you treat yourself with starbucks! I love it. What's your 'must have' order?
Jessica, my Must Have drink from Sbux depends ont he season. Fall time is my Pumpkin Spice Latte. Winter/Holiday season is my Peppermint Mocha, and in the warmer months, I usually just get a mocha frappe. What about you?!
I always have my phone on me, too! Constantly! And I consider Starbucks a treat, it's definitely a little "pick me up" :).
Always have to have my phone too girl!
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