Black Friday
Sitting here, quarter to 9 at night on Black Friday. All I can think about is how great today was. Yea, I had to get up at 7am to be at work by 9am. But I did get to leave at 10:45, and when I got home I had the house all to myself. Husband took Chloe to his Dad's house. Which is about 40 minutes away. So I knew that I had some time to kill. So, I tidied up the house a bit. Unloaded the dishwasher, put some dishes in, made myself some lunch, and then got on my new laptop and started chatting with my girl Mallory from immalloryandthesearemythoughts. When I was done eating my lunch, I suddenly remembered that I forgot to pick up a few things from my store for my friend Cassie, who I'm going to be seeing on Sunday when we go see Breaking Dawn! So, I had to get my things together and go BACK to work. After that task was done, Husband called to let me know that he was on his way home. And reminded me that we needed milk for Chloe. And I remembered that I needed some body wash and some creamer. So I made a pit stop at Busch's. Got my body wash, some peppermint mocha creamer and some milk for the Princess. Made my way home only to see that Husband wasn't home yet. So, I had a little bit of time left to kill. By the time Husband pulled in, Chloe had fallen asleep in the car, so we got our Christmas cash, and just went to the store. First stop. Payless....I didn't find the boots that I really wanted. So, we went to Kohls. I found some boots. LOVE THEM! Got Chloe some size 12-24m size socks. (Much Needed) And then we made our way to Target. *All 3 stores in the same complex. So we parked in the middle, and just walked to all of them* Walked into Target, and found the Bomber coats. There was a sign for $15. So, I squeeled for joy and tossed it in the basket. Went to the baby section, found Chloe some Christmas jammies. Went down the toy aisle to see if there was anything for a great deal that we could pick up then. Didn't really find anything that we wanted to get her. So onto the checkout we went. Gave my Bomber to the cashier to ring up, and it came up at $44.99. I said "That sign over there says $15.00." She looked over at it, and was like "Oh, you are absolutely right!" So, she changed the price! No questions asked! So, I paid, grabbed the bags, and we were on our merry way. On the way out, I looked over to Husband and said "I don't think the $15.00 sign was for the Bombers." He looked over to me and said "I don't think it was either....but the cashier didn't question it, so whatever!" So, we just continued on our way. I was SOOO happy! I've been looking for a Bomber for like a month now! I've wanted one so bad! I was looking on Amazon....and they were all like $40-$50+. So, $15.00!! I'll take it!! So, my great Black Friday new black heel boots. $29. And my Bomber Coat $15.00!!! I am one happy Mamma today! I got my laptop on Wednesday! So, I am all done for Christmas. Now I just gotta get Husbands gift. I know exactly what I'm getting him, I just gotta get the time to either go find it in a store, or order them online. I would tell you what they are, but I'm not sure if he reads my blogs or for now, it's going to be a secret.
Hope everyone had fun today on their excursions...and I hope everyone found some great deals. If so, what were they? What stores did you go to? Did you get all/some of your shopping done? How early did you go out? I would LOVE to hear your stories!
Woohoo! Great deal!! 15 bucks! Can't beat that. Is it sad that I had to look up what a bomber jacket was? lol. Hope you guys had a Happy Thanksgiving!
Hahaha!! No, it's ok. I really didn't know what a Bomber was until my sister got one. So, don't feel bad!
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