First of all, How was your Thanksgiving? Ours was just great! We thought that it wouldn't be. Chloe just wouldn't nap....we tried and tried and tried. We were able to get her to close her eyes for about 30 minutes. But after that, it was all done. Every time we tried to make her lay down, she just screamed. So we were done. So we got all ready, got her ready and got everything in the car and were on our merry way. We hoped that she might fall asleep on the car ride. BUT, she didn't. We thought we were going to be doomed for the day. We thought that she was just going to be a crabby ass baby. But, to our surprise, she was actually really good. She was just walking around, looking at everyone. Playing with her Auntie Erin, and talking and babbling away. It was just so cute! I couldn't have been happier. As far as eating a great Thanksgiving dinner....well, Husband and I did good, but she, not so much. She ate a little bit of Turkey, and a little bit of mashed potatoes and some sweet potatoes. But she just wasn't all that interested. I thought that she would have just wanted everything. LOL! I tried to give her a piece of strawberry....Nope. Not so much. Tried a little piece of shrimp, and she seemed to like it, but I kind of freaked out a little bit. I didn't want her to have a bad reaction. So she didn't get anymore shrimp.
So, besides all that, she did really good!
I'm not really sure where I thought I was going to be going with this post. It's clear that it's not going anywhere. Today I have to work. I'm scheduled 9-3, but I'm hoping that I get sent home early. It's going to be really slow, and Husband is home with Chloe. He's actually taking her to his Dad's house. So, I'm sure that's going to be fun for him....NOT! LOL!
Onto that business people like to get involved with called Black Friday Shopping...uh-how bout NO THANKS! I will pass on that! I mean, I'm not bashing it by any means, but I just don't think I would do it. Waking up in the Wee hours of the morning just to go stand in line and then get punched in the face while reaching for the last toy on the shelf....AHhh!! Just not my cup of tea. I'll stay home. And then get all my shopping done on Cyber Monday. That's the way I DO IT. I mean, we may go shopping a little bit this weekend to see if we can get some stuff for Chloe. But other then that...yep, not happenin'! But, to all of those who DO go out on Black Friday! Be safe! And I hope that you get everything that you need and want!
So, let's see...I think I'll stop with this not so exciting post. I'm sure I won't get any comments, or very much readers at that. LOL! I'll try and come up with some better posts for you next week.
Have a great weekend ya'll!!

1 comment :
I can't believe you have to work today!!! That sucks!
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