1. Go back five years, would you have pictured your life as it is now or would it have been different? If so, how or why?
Five years ago, I was 20. Planning my wedding....loving the dream. Hubby and I had our own house. We had probably been there less then a year. We had our cat, and we were a perfect little family. We didn't have any long term goals of children or anything like that set yet...we just wanted to be able to live how we wanted to and have fun with it. We both knew that we wanted kids, so I think we would end up the same as we are now. It's perfect, and I wouldn't change anything.
2. In a perfect world with no attachments, my career would be...
In a perfect world, I wouldn't work. I would be a SAHM!! Hubby would make enough money for the both of us, and life would be grand! I would still be able to do all the leisure things that I like to do....shopping and all that. And still be able to afford the dream house that we want!
3. Name one thing you do {or don't do} that the world may think strange of you. My morning "routine" if you will, is the SAME every morning. Without exception! If something happens and things turn out differently then normal, it's usually a bad day.

Hi Crystal!
Just found you through Jessica's link up! Our second question was exactly the same! Also, I'm the same way as far as morning routines go. I do not have extra time at all for detours.
Hey Dottie! It's great to meet you! Glad you found me! I will start following you. I love new followers, and I can't wait to read all about you!! Hope you keep reading!
Love this Crystal. I've always wanted to be a SAHM also, maybe one day. Probably not when we first start having kids... :)
Thanks for linking up. Can't wait until Tuesday for your guest post! Come back on Thursday for more!!!
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