So, this all starts when I was about 16 years old. I had my drivers license, and a boyfriend, who didn't have his. He was a trouble maker, and sort of a bad influence. One night, we decided to go out for a joy ride. My parents were going to a party about an hour away with my sister and her husband. So, my Mom was trusting me home alone with my car. I told her that we were just gonna go to the movies, and then back to the boyfriends house. She was ok with that. So, they left for the party, and the boyfriend and I headed out. We didn't go to the movies. Who would have! We went to a park, and just parked the car. As a couple of 16 year old kids, we were into some bad things. So, needless to say, we were smoking (stuff) in the car, in an empty park (bad idea). Thank God, no cops came....but he had a brilliant idea to bring a 6" morter with him. Now, to those of you not familiar with fireworks, a morter is a round ball full of whatever fireworks are made of....with a long wick. Long enough to light and run away from it. And they are supposed to be put into a cake, which is a big thing with holes in it that you can put multiple morters in and the wicks are like tied off and light together and it goes off and makes a pretty firework display. So, here's the story.
We were messing around with the morter, and ended up ripping the it wasn't even half as long as it should have been. Then, I got the great idea to light a lighter near the wick. Bad idea. One wrong move, and BAM the wick caught. I freaked out because the car was filling with smoke and I couldn't find the window to roll it down to throw it out. So I threw it to the ground, and the boyfriend tried to get me out of the passenger door. Not fast enough though. The fireworks started going off, and pretty much blew me out of the car to the ground. Knocked me out for a second, and then when I woke up all I could see was my car full of colorful sparks. I wasn't in the right state of mind, and couldn't feel any of the damage the incident had caused.
We were in the park that my brother and his wife lived near. So we walked to their house, frantic, of course. I was freaking out. "My Mom is going to KILL me!!! I'm going to be grounded for life!!! My car is trashed!!! I won't see the light of another day!!" Got to my brothers house, and him and his wife had just gotten home. So, we went in. I'm crying, hysterical!! She took one look at me, and started flipping out! What I didn't know at the time was I was bleeding....pretty much from my waist down. I had no idea! I couldn't feel anything. She basically took me by the arm, got me in the car and we drove to the hospital. When we got their, there was cops, and everything. I was so scared. I still really didn't know the damage that was done. Until they got me admitted and in a hospital gown in a bed. Then, I was able to see what happened to my legs. For lack of a better word, I had what looked like bullet holes all in my inner thighs, my calves and ankles, and a few in the back right under my butt. The holes were so deep, you could literally fit your pinkie nail into them. Sick, I know. But in order to keep the wounds clean, that's what I had to do to clean them...every day. For like 2-3 months if I'm remembering correctly. I couldn't really walk right for awhile. I used crutches at school for sometime. I had to wear bandages under my pants. I had to change the bandages numerous times a day. It was horrible!
So, that was probably the worst time I had in my entire life. It wasn't fun at all, and to this day, fireworks just freak me out. I make sure I am FAR FAR away! As you can probably guess, the very next 4th of July after the accident, I couldn't even stand the sight or sound of fireworks. I'm a little better with them now. But you best believe, my fear WILL be instilled into Chloe, and she will NEVER go near any type of firework. EVER!
Thanks for reading about the worst time in my life. Felt good to kind of get it out.

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