Wednesday, November 30, 2011

SO WHAT! Wednesday

Another week of saying SO WHAT! to whatever you need to get off your chest. I'll be linking up with Shannon over at Life After I "Dew" for her first SWW post after having guest posters for the past few weeks. So, go link up and lets give her a warm welcome back!
This week I'm saying SO WHAT! if:

  • I haven't had a free moment on the weekends for probably the past 4 or so weeks. 
  • Chloe woke up last Tuesday with Hand Foot Mouth, and I kind of sighed a breath of relief that I was able to call into work...bad Mom, or just a Mom that was happy to take a day off and spend it with my girl?
  • I got my Christmas fund check last week, and it's already almost gone....what did I buy? Nothing for anybody else but me....Ooops.
  • I bought my black boots and a Bomber coat with my own Christmas Whatever.
  • I know EXACTLY what I want to get Husband for I just gotta find the time to either order them, or go to a store where I can get them. UGH....
  • I'm not worried about getting anybody else gifts for Christmas besides my Husband and my daughter...
  • I haven't used my credit card in over a month. But when I saw a $10 Groupon for $20 worth of Old Navy...well....the credit card # was saved on my Groupon account, so that's what I used. LOL!
  • Chloe is 15 months old, and we're just now trying the whole put down to bed awake thing. The thing is, she falls asleep in my arms while drinking her milk. But she's been waking up as soon as I get up to put her down. So, I just push her down, snuggle her in a blanket, and put her lovey in her hand, and she's good to go. THANK GOD!
  • Again, with the Chloe is 15 months old thing. We have yet to get her off her night time bottle. Oh due time. I'm thinking maybe 18 months. Or, if we have the time to do it before then. I'm not in any rush.
  • I don't want to take her binky away. That's the only thing that calms her when she's freaking out. UGH...why do we have to do these things to ourselves?
  • I couldn't find just a single pair of Christmas jammies for Chloe. So, yep, I bought a 2 pack from Target. So what! She'll have one to wear Christmas Eve Eve, AND Christmas Eve!!
  • We put our Christmas tree up with the lights...but no ornaments yet. Hopefully this weekend! Hopefully.....
Well, that's all for this week. Hope ya'll had fun! Come back next week for more SO WHAT! Fun!


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Love me some Shutterfly

I'm so impatient, that I just can't wait! So, here is it...sneak peak of our Christmas cards! Aren't they just adorable?! Ahh, I can't wait to get them sent out!!!!
Stationery card
View the entire collection of cards.

Don't you just love it?! I know, me too! 


Monday, November 28, 2011

Me and Fireworks...don't get along

This was a part of my life that I would rather not discuss, but since I'm a blogger now, and I am sharing every other part of my life, I may as well just spill it. 
So, this all starts when I was about 16 years old. I had my drivers license, and a boyfriend, who didn't have his. He was a trouble maker, and sort of a bad influence. One night, we decided to go out for a joy ride. My parents were going to a party about an hour away with my sister and her husband. So, my Mom was trusting me home alone with my car. I told her that we were just gonna go to the movies, and then back to the boyfriends house. She was ok with that. So, they left for the party, and the boyfriend and I headed out. We didn't go to the movies. Who would have! We went to a park, and just parked the car. As a couple of 16 year old kids, we were into some bad things. So, needless to say, we were smoking (stuff) in the car, in an empty park (bad idea). Thank God, no cops came....but he had a brilliant idea to bring a 6" morter with him. Now, to those of you not familiar with fireworks, a morter is a round ball full of whatever fireworks are made of....with a long wick. Long enough to light and run away from it. And they are supposed to be put into a cake, which is a big thing with holes in it that you can put multiple morters in and the wicks are like tied off and light together and it goes off and makes a pretty firework display. So, here's the story.
We were messing around with the morter, and ended up ripping the it wasn't even half as long as it should have been. Then, I got the great idea to light a lighter near the wick. Bad idea. One wrong move, and BAM the wick caught. I freaked out because the car was filling with smoke and I couldn't find the window to roll it down to throw it out. So I threw it to the ground, and the boyfriend tried to get me out of the passenger door. Not fast enough though. The fireworks started going off, and pretty much blew me out of the car to the ground. Knocked me out for a second, and then when I woke up all I could see was my car full of colorful sparks. I wasn't in the right state of mind, and couldn't feel any of the damage the incident had caused. 
We were in the park that my brother and his wife lived near. So we walked to their house, frantic, of course. I was freaking out. "My Mom is going to KILL me!!! I'm going to be grounded for life!!! My car is trashed!!! I won't see the light of another day!!" Got to my brothers house, and him and his wife had just gotten home. So, we went in. I'm crying, hysterical!! She took one look at me, and started flipping out! What I didn't know at the time was I was bleeding....pretty much from my waist down. I had no idea! I couldn't feel anything. She basically took me by the arm, got me in the car and we drove to the hospital. When we got their, there was cops, and everything. I was so scared. I still really didn't know the damage that was done. Until they got me admitted and in a hospital gown in a bed. Then, I was able to see what happened to my legs. For lack of a better word, I had what looked like bullet holes all in my inner thighs, my calves and ankles,  and a few in the back right under my butt. The holes were so deep, you could literally fit your pinkie nail into them. Sick, I know. But in order to keep the wounds clean, that's what I had to do to clean them...every day. For like 2-3 months if I'm remembering correctly. I couldn't really walk right for awhile. I used crutches at school for sometime. I had to wear bandages under my pants. I had to change the bandages numerous times a day. It was horrible! 
So, that was probably the worst time I had in my entire life. It wasn't fun at all, and to this day, fireworks just freak me out. I make sure I am FAR FAR away! As you can probably guess, the very next 4th of July after the accident, I couldn't even stand the sight or sound of fireworks. I'm a little better with them now. But you best believe, my fear WILL be instilled into Chloe, and she will NEVER go near any type of firework. EVER!
Thanks for reading about the worst time in my life. Felt good to kind of get it out.


Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday

Sitting here, quarter to 9 at night on Black Friday. All I can think about is how great today was. Yea, I had to get up at 7am to be at work by 9am. But I did get to leave at 10:45, and when I got home I had the house all to myself. Husband took Chloe to his Dad's house. Which is about 40 minutes away. So I knew that I had some time to kill. So, I tidied up the house a bit. Unloaded the dishwasher, put some dishes in, made myself some lunch, and then got on my new laptop and started chatting with my girl Mallory from immalloryandthesearemythoughts. When I was done eating my lunch, I suddenly remembered that I forgot to pick up a few things from my store for my friend Cassie, who I'm going to be seeing on Sunday when we go see Breaking Dawn! So, I had to get my things together and go BACK to work. After that task was done, Husband called to let me know that he was on his way home. And reminded me that we needed milk for Chloe. And I remembered that I needed some body wash and some creamer. So I made a pit stop at Busch's. Got my body wash, some peppermint mocha creamer and some milk for the Princess. Made my way home only to see that Husband wasn't home yet. So, I had a little bit of time left to kill. By the time Husband pulled in, Chloe had fallen asleep in the car, so we got our Christmas cash, and just went to the store. First stop. Payless....I didn't find the boots that I really wanted. So, we went to Kohls. I found some boots. LOVE THEM! Got Chloe some size 12-24m size socks. (Much Needed) And then we made our way to Target. *All 3 stores in the same complex. So we parked in the middle, and just walked to all of them* Walked into Target, and found the Bomber coats. There was a sign for $15. So, I squeeled for joy and tossed it in the basket. Went to the baby section, found Chloe some Christmas jammies. Went down the toy aisle to see if there was anything for a great deal that we could pick up then. Didn't really find anything that we wanted to get her. So onto the checkout we went. Gave my Bomber to the cashier to ring up, and it came up at $44.99. I said "That sign over there says $15.00." She looked over at it, and was like "Oh, you are absolutely right!" So, she changed the price! No questions asked! So, I paid, grabbed the bags, and we were on our merry way. On the way out, I looked over to Husband and said "I don't think the $15.00 sign was for the Bombers." He looked over to me and said "I don't think it was either....but the cashier didn't question it, so whatever!" So, we just continued on our way. I was SOOO happy! I've been looking for a Bomber for like a month now! I've wanted one so bad! I was looking on Amazon....and they were all like $40-$50+. So, $15.00!! I'll take it!! So, my great Black Friday new black heel boots. $29. And my Bomber Coat $15.00!!! I am one happy Mamma today! I got my laptop on Wednesday! So, I am all done for Christmas. Now I just gotta get Husbands gift. I know exactly what I'm getting him, I just gotta get the time to either go find it in a store, or order them online. I would tell you what they are, but I'm not sure if he reads my blogs or for now, it's going to be a secret. 
Hope everyone had fun today on their excursions...and I hope everyone found some great deals. If so, what were they? What stores did you go to? Did you get all/some of your shopping done? How early did you go out? I would LOVE to hear your stories!


Fabulous Friday

After thinking long and hard about what to write about, I couldn't really think of anything. So, this is going to be a post of a lot of randomness. 
First of all, How was your Thanksgiving? Ours was just great! We thought that it wouldn't be. Chloe just wouldn't nap....we tried and tried and tried. We were able to get her to close her eyes for about 30 minutes. But after that, it was all done. Every time we tried to make her lay down, she just screamed. So we were done.  So we got all ready, got her ready and got everything in the car and were on our merry way. We hoped that she might fall asleep on the car ride. BUT, she didn't. We thought we were going to be doomed for the day. We thought that she was just going to be a crabby ass baby. But, to our surprise, she was actually really good. She was just walking around, looking at everyone. Playing with her Auntie Erin, and talking and babbling away. It was just so cute! I couldn't have been happier. As far as eating a great Thanksgiving dinner....well, Husband and I did good, but she, not so much. She ate a little bit of Turkey, and a little bit of mashed potatoes and some sweet potatoes. But she just wasn't all that interested. I thought that she would have just wanted everything. LOL! I tried to give her a piece of strawberry....Nope. Not so much. Tried a little piece of shrimp, and she seemed to like it, but I kind of freaked out a little bit. I didn't want her to have a bad reaction. So she didn't get anymore shrimp. 
So, besides all that, she did really good!
I'm not really sure where I thought I was going to be going with this post. It's clear that it's not going anywhere. Today I have to work. I'm scheduled 9-3, but I'm hoping that I get sent home early. It's going to be really slow, and Husband is home with Chloe. He's actually taking her to his Dad's house. So, I'm sure that's going to be fun for him....NOT! LOL!
Onto that business people like to get involved with called Black Friday Shopping...uh-how bout NO THANKS! I will pass on that! I mean, I'm not bashing it by any means, but I just don't think I would do it. Waking up in the Wee hours of the morning just to go stand in line and then get punched in the face while reaching for the last toy on the shelf....AHhh!! Just not my cup of tea. I'll stay home. And then get all my shopping done on Cyber Monday. That's the way I DO IT. I mean, we may go shopping a little bit this weekend to see if we can get some stuff for Chloe. But other then that...yep, not happenin'! But, to all of those who DO go out on Black Friday! Be safe! And I hope that you get everything that you need and want!
So, let's see...I think I'll stop with this not so exciting post. I'm sure I won't get any comments, or very much readers at that. LOL! I'll try and come up with some better posts for you next week. 
Have a great weekend ya'll!!


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful Thanksgiving Thurday

Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll!! I hope everyone enjoys their turkey day and eats lots of good food, with lots of good people! We're off the the In Laws today. I love going over their with all the family. It's such good company. I just hope that Chloe doesn't freak out about all the people that she doesn't know. 
This thursday, being that it's Thanksgiving, is going to the the last Thankful Thursday least for now. So, here goes.

  • I'm thankful that I have a happy, healthy 15 month old daughter! She's been the best thing that's happened to us this year, and I couldn't be more proud of her! She's grown so much and is learning more and more every day!
  • I'm thankful for my Husband. He's an amazing man in every way. He accepts me for who I am, and was there for me through all my craziness of my family history, finding out that I was adopted, getting married, having a baby....all that good stuff.
  • My family. Even though I don't ever see them, and I know some of them have thought better of me in the past then they do now...but I love them all the same, and hope that someday, everything gets worked out.
  • My job, because I have access to like all the best beauty products. Nail Polish, hair products....EVERYTHING a girl could possibly need. Oh, and hair color too! That's a plus!
  • My girls at work...Mallory and Jane to be exact. Mallory has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. She's just an amazing girl, and if she didn't work with me, well...I'd probably have gone crazy by now. 
  • And, Jane...she's just always there when I need a moment. She goes outside with me when I need a break, and we can talk about anything. She always asks my advice when she needs it, and that makes me feel like I'm there for a reason. Like I'm there to help. And that makes me feel good. Love you Janie Poo!
That's all I can think of for now ladies and Gents. I hope you enjoyed my month of Thankfulness.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New Toy

Just want to make an announcement. This is my first posted blog from my new lap top! And I know it's kind of dorky, but I'm super excited about it. I've been wanting a lap top of my own for a very long time now, and I was finally able to get one. Husband had to stay home with Chloe today since she's got Hand Foot Mouth, and couldn't go to day care, so he went out shopping and picked my lap top up for me! And had it all ready to go for me when I got home. How sweet of him!! So, I just wanted to test it out and tell ya'll how happy I am!! YAY!!


Share Your World

1. If you could be on any TV show {reality or not}, what show would you be on?
I would want to be on the show Parenthood! I love the people, and I love how they all get together on a daily basis, and they all love each other! It's so nice!

2. What is the best thing you have ever bought from a yard/garage sale?
I honestly can't say that I have anything that I would want to brag about.

3. Do you still have friends whom you went to high school with?
I have one friend that I went to high school with that I do still keep contact with. Lisa. She's a great friend. She's just had a baby (5 months ago) So, we have that in common still. We just recently went out to lunch with the babies, and Chloe had a BALL just looking and laughing and trying to hug Kendall! It was SOOO cute. Other then that, there really isn't anybody that I went to school with that was really worth my time, or worth keeping a close friendship with after school. It's like, pretty much right after I graduated, I found my *now husband* and we pretty much started dating...that was in November after I graduated. So, all my time was wrapped up into that. Which was all I wanted.

4. Do you have any scars? If so, share the stories behind them.
Boy, do I ever! When I was 17 years old, I got too close to a firework, and I have the scars to prove it. I was in the hospital, and I had holes in my legs. I am lucky that I still have my girl parts...that's how close it got!

5. If you had to eat one thing/meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? 
Anything Mexican or Italian!!

6. What's your most embarrassing moment?

Far too many to name. I'm not a very graceful person...and I've been pregnant, so needlesstosay there have been times!


SO WHAT! Wednesday

Linking up with Shannon Dew over at Life After I "Dew" for another amazing SWW post! This past week has been full of crazy climbing toddler and house hunting...
This week I'm saying SO WHAT! if

  • Chloe climbed up onto the living room table. And I didn't tell her no, or scold her. So had the cutest "Mamma I did it" look on her face, and Husband and I couldn't stop laughing. It was the cutest!
  • I'm moved my desk at work...yet again. But this time, it's to get away from the mean old lady that sits across from me that watches me like a hawk. She's just so rude, and tells on me for every little thing from picking up my cell phone, to checking my damn email. WHAT GIVES?!
  • I did my first Skype date on Saturday with my little sister Mallory. It was pretty fun, and amusing at the same time. We had a blast!
  • I am head cheerleader at my work. Yes....enough said!
  • I'm SO ready to move out of our house. Seriously this house hunting is driving me bonkers, and I don't know how much longer it's going to take me to crack if we don't find that PERFECT's GOTTA be out there somewhere....
  • I painted my nails on Sunday night, only to have to redo them because Chloe woke up from her nap a little too early, and I didn't have enough time for my top coat to dry before she whined and cried for me to hold her. Apparently Daddy wasn't her favorite at that very moment.
  • I don't really have anything else to say SO WHAT! to this week...I guess it hasn't been THAT bad after all. 
Stay tuned...that last bullet might change. LOL!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

EFF Day Care!

I really wish that I could be a SAHM! In all seriousness, if we could afford it, I'd quit my job RIGHT NOW, today! But I can't. That makes me one sad Mamma! I don't get to see my girl at all during the day. I don't get to play with her, and watch her learn new things. I don't get to cuddle her when she takes her afternoon nap. I don't get to feed her and watch her play with her friends. I missing out on so much and it seriously kills me inside. She gets sick from being around all those other snot nosed, coughing, sneezing kids...and my heart just aches when she gets sick. 
Today, for instance. We woke up to do our normal morning routine to get ready for work and day care. Husband woke Chloe up to get her ready to eat some "wobbles" (Waffles) LOL! And noticed some red boils on her hands, and some on her knees, and there was a little big of red dots on her feet. Last night after her bath I noticed the same red boil things on her butt. Not like diaper rash area, but like on the outside where the diaper elastic part would be. And that was still there this morning. First thing that came to mind. Hand Foot Mouth....UGH! NOT AGAIN....this will be the 3rd time poor girl has had it. So, I called the dr, made an appt to go in. THANK GOD! Today is her 15 month appt anyways. So I just made the appt for earlier. Our original was at 4:50. So 1:30 we'll be going in. Unfortunately, Daddy won't be able to attend, cuz if it IS HFM, he's gonna have to stay at home with her tomorrow. Thank God for the Holiday. Thursday being Thanksgiving, and Friday no day care, and Daddy has Friday off too. So that works out for me.
So, as you can see, I hate seeing my girl exposed to all this stuff, and I can't do anything about it! Breaks my Mamma heart! But one day....Hopefully sooner then later. I'll be able to kiss my work life goodbye, and get to spend every minute that I can enjoying my little bubbly girl as she grows up!


Too Freakin' Cute!

So, being the girl that Chloe is, of course she has to have multiple shirts for Christmas, right? I mean...there is Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and then of course the Christmas pictures taken on November 26th for our Christmas cards, right?! So...who better to run to then Etsy! And let me tell you...Audra over at Neely Bug Boutique 

was such a pleasure to work with!! She got back to me the NEXT day after I contacted her, and was SO quick to ship my shirt out! I got it the very next week!! And let me tell you. The quality of her work is just to die for! So precise, and just adorable!
I just can't wait for Chloe to wear this! I wish that she could stay in 18m clothes forever so she could wear it EVERY year! It's that darling! And, it's Carter's that just makes it even better!!
So, hop on over to Audra's Etsy shop and get yourself something! She's got LOTS of amazing things to chose from!


Back into the 20's. 120's that is!!

My usual weigh in day is every after not losing anything last week, I wasn't looking forward to this weigh in. So....I woke up Saturday morning, knowing that I had to go straight to the TV to turn the Wii on...(yes, we use the Wii to weigh ourselves. We DO NOT have a real scale.) So anyways, I stood on that scale, and crossed my fingers, and boy oh boy did I jump for joy!!! I was so happy....2.9 lbs. Down the drain! Bye, bye! Hope to NEVER see you again!! So, at 128.5, I now have about 10 lbs to lose to be at my goal.
When I went to the hospital to give birth to Chloe, I was a whopping 170 lbs! *Woof* Seriously, I NEVER want to see that Crystal EVER again! Good thing was that it came off fairly quickly...I mean, yea, I've been struggling with this last 20 lbs for oh....15 months now. TO THE DAY!! (Happy 15 months Chloe!!) But to be honest, I haven't really been trying THAT hard! So, just the past 9.5 lbs lost have been me actually trying. So that makes me feel good to see the hard work paying off. And, in all honesty, not to toot my own horn or anything, but I haven't even been on the treadmill. In like MONTHS! I have only been watching what I eat, and using the MFP to count my calories! So, I am SO proud of myself.
So, there you have it. I am officially back into my comfort zone. 128.5....120 was my weight the day that I found out I was pregnant. That was after losing 12 ish lbs on Weight Watchers. So, my goal is to surpass that and go beyond the 120's. I'd like to be in the 115-119 range. So, we will see what happens, and how I look when I reach 120. I'll keep you all posted and post some pics on the way.


Monday, November 21, 2011

My Girl is WALKING

Yep, you read that right! My girl is FINALLY a full time walker. I am in Mamma heaven! It's just amazing....I really don't think I've seen her crawl much in the past week. She just likes walking so much better. She's looks like such a big girl too. I'm so grateful, because her 15 month appointment in on Tuesday, and I REALLY wanted her to be walking by then. I was afraid that if she wasn't, the doctor would tell us that something was wrong with her, and that we needed to get her check out or something. They have already had us get xrays taken of her hips because they thought they were crooked...all because of the rolls in her thighs not being symmetrical. I didn't know that thigh rolls needed to be symmetrical. LOL! Well, Doc...guess what...her rolls are still NOT symmetrical, and she's a GREAT walker! So THERE! Take that! LOL....
But, let me be completely honest. I know that everyone says, once they start walking, your going to wish that she wasn't....Well, sometimes I do. But a majority of the time, I'm and SO thankful that she's walking. Seriously, with all the things that I have to carry into the house when we get home at night. One less thing (a toddler) to carry, saves Mamma's arms! I just set her down, get all my (and her) bags on my shoulders, and put my finger out for her to grab, and we're on our way. She climbs up our little 2 stair porch, holds onto my leg while I unlock the house, and BOOM! We're in! It's pretty darn awesome. There are times when a car drives by, and she gets distracted, and stops to look, and falls on her butt, but girls gets right back up without skipping a beat, and we're on our way again.
It's especially cool when our neighbors are outside with there son, who is just 6 weeks older then Chloe. He's been a walker for far longer then Chloe has been. But now, when he's outside playing, we can take Chloe out and they can play together. She loves it! And Mamma and Daddy get to get outside and talk to the Adults for a little while. It's pretty darn cool. And, when we move, I'll miss them! They are some pretty neat people. 
Now, Shadow (our kitty cat baby) She's been a total rock star about Chloe walking. She's not made one false move toward Chloe. When she bugs her, or grabs her tail, or tries to chase her, Shadow just walks away with her tail held high. It's pretty awesome. We were blessed with a pretty cool cat! I'm so Thankful for that!
And one last thought....Footed PJ's are SOOO much cute on a walking toddler!


Here is some Adorable-ness for ya!

Chloe is totally ready for her Christmas close-up! And I can't even tell you how grateful I am!!! With our Pictures coming up this weekend for our Christmas cards, I wanted to have the PERFECT shirt to go with her PERFECT green and red tutu! Well, look no further my friends! Here it is!!
(don't mind the messy table)
Totally cute! Amazing quality! It's even a Carter's shirt! Like, how awesome is that!! Best quality onesie EVER!!
Thanks to Rebekah, Chloe is going to have THE PERFECT shirt to wear for Christmas!

Rebekah was such a pleasure to work with! She got back to me the VERY next morning after contacting her, AND I got it in the mail THAT week! How awesome is that?!
Now, if you don't yet have your kiddies Christmas outfit (don't walk) on over to her Etsy Shop and buy something! She's got the most adorable stuff EVER!! And VERY reasonable! AND just for you! She is offering 15% any order from now till Christmas! Just enter the code SEED15 at check out! Now, how's that for a very Merry Christmas!!


Friday, November 18, 2011

Foto Fun Friday

This is just somewhat of a filler post. With nothing else that came to mind to blog about this fabulous Friday, I thought I would give you all some cuteness to look at.
See....Too cute to NOT look at! 
If you notice...a majority of the pics I take of her, her eyes are closed...LOL!

She LOVES her horsey!!

She was talking...and I snapped a pic...bad picture taker, I know, I'm sorry

Her hair was TOTALLY in a mohawk! I swear...LOL
This was a cute outfit that she wore for the first time

My night out with the girls! Mallory, Jane and myself
Me and my girl!

Hey! That's my name!!

Ok, so...she climbed up onto the table....first time she's done was funny!!
Well, there ya go! Hope you enjoyed! I hope to have some  better posts for you next week!! Happy weekend All!


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Share Your World, Thursday

Linking up with Jessica over at Stilettos & a fishing pole for a little bit of Share Your World, Thursday!

1. Did you have a favorite blanket or toy as a kid? If so, do you still have it??
I liked Barbie's...but other then that, I really don't think I had a blanket or anything.

2. I love it when my _______ does ________.
Husband does the shopping. Whether it be for clothes or food, he's an awesome shopper and always gets the good stuff!!
3. You're at a ball park. You have $5 in your pocket. You order...
Nachos and Cheese, baby!!! That's my stuff right there! And maybe a beverage. But not alcohol...$5 at a ball park wouldn't go that far.
4. If you could have any celebrities 'voice' as the voice on your GPS, who would it be?
Probably Adele, or maybe Rhiana...just cuz I love her accent. And Adele had this amazing smokey voice. I love it!
5. Are you a messy sleeper or a neat sleeper?
Pretty neat for the most part. Unless I get hot. Then I kick all the covers off me. 


Thankful Thursday

Back again for another week of being Thankful. This week has been a little crazy. We're back to the search for a new home...and we THOUGHT that we found one. BUT, after much thought and discussion...we think that we might continue the search. The house that we found was BE-utiful, BUT....only 1.5 baths. We had previously discussed out needs/wants, and a NEED was 2+ I think if we're going to make this a FOREVER home, we NEED to be sure our future home has no less then 2 baths.
So, onto what I'm thankful for this week

  • Our new Real Estate Agent. She's awesome, and she asks a lot of questions. Which makes me know that she's only looking for EXACTLY what we want, and only wants us to find that PERFECT house! 
  • Chloe is finally a FULL TIME WALKER! Enough said.
  • My manager at work....she's just an amazing person all around. She listens, and takes into account that I have a family outside of work, and she totally and completely understands everything.
  • My go to supervisor at work. She's just an awesome girl. We share a wall, so whenever I have a question, or just need to talk, I don't even have to stand up....she's always there when I need her.
  • The other supervisor....She's a Doll! And I love her to pieces! She's one of my favorite girls at my work. She's fun when needed, and very serious when we need to buckle down. She's great!!
  • My Fitness Pal...sometimes I need a little bit of a reality check on this losing weight thing. And when I think I want to eat something, I pick up my phone and plug in the thing that I'm craving, those numbers that it shows me tell me DO NOT EAT!
  • My bed....Let me tell you...this house searching, and Chloe walking, and just life in general...I am POOPED by the end of the day, and I can't wait to hop into bed and cuddle up to my pillow (and husband).
  • Chloe being such an amazing sleeper. She goes down without skipping a beat, every night between 7 and 8, and she sleeps until we wake her up at 6:30am. There are times when we go to close her door before we hop in bed, that she does fuss a little bit and cry, but we give her a few minutes and she cuddles right back up and falls back to sleep....THANK GOD!
  • Coffee (and holiday creamer). Lets face it....I cannot start my day without my morning cup o''s just not an option. And now that all the holiday creamers are out in stores, well...I am my own Starbucks barista at home! It's just awesome!!
  • Pinterest. Thanks to this amazing site, we have had some GOOD eats this week. It started with Crockpot Italian Chicken on Sunday. Then Pizza Casserole on Tuesday, and I plan on making my Crockpot Potato soup On Saturday! I CANNOT WAIT!
  • My Explorer. There are some days (mostly weekends) when I have to run out and Husbands car is parked behind mine, so I have to take his V6 Journey instead of my V8 Explorer....Lets just say, my Explorer would take any V6 ANYTHING, ANYDAY! LOL!!
Well, that's about all I'm Thankful for this week. Come back next week for the last and Final one...AND...Next Thursday is Thanksgiving. So maybe, just maybe I'll throw a few holiday pics of Chloe in her pretty Thankgiving dress in there for ya'll to oooh and ahhh at! Trust me, it's pretty dark cute! AND, Husband bought it...without me. Now, THAT'S something to be Thankful for! HA :-)


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

SO WHAT! Wednesday!

Back for yet another, SWW post! GO! NOW! Link up with Mrs. Shannon Dew and tell us what you're saying SO WHAT! to this week...

This week I'm saying SO WHAT! if:

  • I'm excited that we found a we haven't put an offer in (yet) but I'm just so happy that we have found SOMETHING that we both agreed on!
  • I don't have anything scheduled (as far as blogs go) for this week...Kinda flying by the seat of my pants, and it's stressing me out.
  • Even though we don't have this house yet, I'm already dreaming about how I want to decorate it. Shh....I'm crazy, we know this.
  • I'm excited to say goodbye to our first home. Yes, it's our first home, but I'm excited to start our new life in a new home.
  • My toes have been chipping for about a month, and my nails have only been painted for less then a week, and are already chipping....and I.DONT.CARE!
  • I went to out on Saturday and danced for the first time in a LONG time! And well...Monday, my legs were sore.
  • I haven't been on the treadmill in a very long time, so....Sunday, I put my walking shoes on to go look at some houses! HEY! At least I tried...
Well, that's all that I have time for this week. Thanks for reading loves!
What are YOU saying SO WHAT! to this week??


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pinnable Me

About 2 months or so ago, I had no idea about any of this internet blogging, Pinterest, Klout etc....but NOW! I got this! I am IN love with blogging. I'm a little more then addicted to Pinterest...and well...Klout, I'm still a lot little unsure. But, I'll get it. I hope. I just wanted to take a moment to show ya'll what interests me on Pinterest. (ba hahah....)
From recipes, to crafts to fashion and so forth. Here is what I'm lookin' at!
As for foods, this is what I've tried and am dying to try!
Italian Chicken in the crockpot! THIS....was AH-mazing! Made in Sunday night, and we LOVED it!

Baked Potato Soup in the Crockpot. Making this one somtime this week! I can't wait!

Pizza Pasta Casserole: This is on the menu for tonight! I CANNOT wait!!

Now, onto desserts....
Made this for my work Halloween potluck...lets just say there wasn't any left to bring home! THAT GOOD!

Apple rings dipped in Pancake batter-Must try this one for Chloe. She would LOVE it!

Oreo and Marshmallow! This is a must take to wouldn't last in my house! I would eat it ALL!

Now, onto Breakfast....
Bacon, egg and cheese Wreath-I keep saying I'm going to try this, but I haven't yet. I will SOON! Promise!

Overnight Peaches and Cream French Toast-This just sounds heavenly! And I think Chloe will love it too!!

Pumpkin Spice Pancakes...yep! Enough Said! Must Try!

So, this Pinnable me, as you can see was all about my food choices. I think I'll keep it at that, and make this a weekly thing and do it different for next week! Stay Tuned Loves!


Monday, November 14, 2011

Manic Monday

Well, guys. It's Monday....ALREADY! And, I'll be quite honest, I didn't work on my blog AT ALL this weekend. I normally try to sit down on Sunday night after Chloe goes down and get everything scheduled...but that, I did not do this Sunday. So, here I am. Sitting at the dinning room table, while Chloe eats her waffle and banana, drinking my coffee....trying to come up with something interesting to say to you on this Monday Morning. I gots nothing....I look like poop, my hair looks like poop, Chloe's going to look WAY cuter then me today....bahaha!!!! Oh well. Let's hope I get the time to sit down tonight and make up some better stuff for ya'll to read this week. SO sorry about this poor excuse for a blog post! I do apologize, and I hope that this doesn't happen very often.
Oh, and on a better note, I think I AM going to get a lap top for Christmas!! 
And, on an even BETTER note, Husband and I found a house....we haven't put an offer in yet, but he is going to talk to the real estate agent today, and HOPEFULLY we can take a second look at it on Wednesday before we put the offer in! So, wish us luck! The house is PERFECT....we both LOVED it as soon as we walked in, and to be honest, I know that I shouldn't get my hopes up, BUT I haven't been able to stop thinking about it all night.'s hoping that our dreams can come true for us!
Thanks for reading this awful mess today! Love ya'll!


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday Morning Scene

Morning Ya'll! Hope everyone is having a fab Sunday Morning. I know I sure am! I'm just sipping my coffee, trying to get this "bar feeling" out of my system. Yes, I said it..."bar feeling". I went out for some of my fave work girls birthday last night....and I didn't get home until 1am. Now, I know that 1am isn't THAT late, but for a Mamma that doesn't get out very often, I feel like I was hit by a fast moving train on a mission...ugh...and I didn't even drink that much! I REALLY only had 2 Ameretto/Sours. AND just a SIP of Little Miss Jane's Jager Bomb (eww) So, I think my body just needs to recoup. Anywho, I had a BLAST, and I actually had the opportunity to dance!!! OMG, that felt GOOD!! Note to self: Next time you go out to a dance club, wear FLATS!!!! My knees couldn't handle gettin' down in my sky high's last night...I was hurtin'! I can't dance like I used to anymore....Sad, but true. LOL!
But anyways, onto my Sunday Morning Scene for this week....Just a few cuteness overload pics of my baby girl.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Chloe's Stranger Fear

Cept, it's not with's family. My Mom and Dad, Husbands Mom and Step Dad, My brother, and well...anybody else really that ISN'T us! I mean, I know that this is normal, but I don't like it. Because, makes it a little hard for us to have a babysitter and go out WITHOUT our toddler. 
I can understand why she is like this with all of our family. We don't really see any of them as often as we should. We don't EVER see my Mom and Dad. As they live 2 hours away. So it takes planning and packing and driving to see them. So that happens like once every 2-3 months. And they didn't come to her 1st birthday, so the last time they saw her was in October, and before then, it was June. So that stranger fear is understandable. But we do try to see Husbands Mom and Step Dad at least every other weekend, if not every weekend....but she just isn't comfortable with them. She won't even let them hold her. Not even when we're in the room. So that makes me sad. And I can tell that his Mom is sad about it too. So she said that she's going to make an honest effort and come see Chloe every Wednesday, and try and make it a thing to come over more often on the weekend, or be able to babysit at their house more often. So I just hope that this works, and Chloe becomes more comfortable with turn allowing us to have some Mommy and Daddy time OUT of the house!