Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Share Your World

1. If you could be on any TV show {reality or not}, what show would you be on?
I would want to be on the show Parenthood! I love the people, and I love how they all get together on a daily basis, and they all love each other! It's so nice!

2. What is the best thing you have ever bought from a yard/garage sale?
I honestly can't say that I have anything that I would want to brag about.

3. Do you still have friends whom you went to high school with?
I have one friend that I went to high school with that I do still keep contact with. Lisa. She's a great friend. She's just had a baby (5 months ago) So, we have that in common still. We just recently went out to lunch with the babies, and Chloe had a BALL just looking and laughing and trying to hug Kendall! It was SOOO cute. Other then that, there really isn't anybody that I went to school with that was really worth my time, or worth keeping a close friendship with after school. It's like, pretty much right after I graduated, I found my *now husband* and we pretty much started dating...that was in November after I graduated. So, all my time was wrapped up into that. Which was all I wanted.

4. Do you have any scars? If so, share the stories behind them.
Boy, do I ever! When I was 17 years old, I got too close to a firework, and I have the scars to prove it. I was in the hospital, and I had holes in my legs. I am lucky that I still have my girl parts...that's how close it got!

5. If you had to eat one thing/meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? 
Anything Mexican or Italian!!

6. What's your most embarrassing moment?

Far too many to name. I'm not a very graceful person...and I've been pregnant, so needlesstosay there have been times!



Unknown said...

Mexican, how could I NOT name that for mine. Id SOOOO change it to Mexican food because seriously, if it didn't make me fat {because I already DO eat it too much} I'd eat it everyday.

That's insane about the firecracker. I'd love to hear that story.

Crystal Seed said...

Since I got my new laptop today, and am in the mood to blog, ill make a blog about it!! Thanks for the idea!!

Crystal Seed said...

Jessica, I want you to know that I blogged about my scars. They will be posted on Monday! I hope that you will check it out!